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An Interesting Prophetic Sign

Marysville Elementary school in Portland burned on November 10, 2009. Though it was tragic for the 435 children, they all escaped safely, thank God.…

The Financial Crisis began ten years ago today Ten years ago today, Nov. 12, 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act from 1933 was…

Turkish-Iranian Alliance Upsets Israelis

On November 10, 2009, a "watch date" for us, the Turkish government signed a military agreement with Iran, effectively ending Turkey's cozy relationship with the Israelis. Talks…

Israeli Sanhedrin Warns the U.N.

The Sanhedrin has warned the UN General Assembly not to hold a plenum debate on the anti-Israel Goldstone Report. In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and the UN's…

Activities of Galleon and Blackwater in Pakistan

It is in the interest of arms makers and mercenary companies to drum up business. This is why I don't think the war over there is being fought for the reasons given for public…

Personal Comments on the Lindsey Williams Interview

I did not intend to end on such a sour note in the Lindsey Williams interview, but I ran out of space. So I am continuing here with more positive comments. The so-called…

Lindsey Williams Interview

Pastor Lindsey Williams was a chaplain on the Alaska pipeline back in the 1970's. During that time, the oil executives allowed him to sit in on the board meetings, and he became…

Is Japan the next nation to go bankrupt?

We think we have problems . . .Japan is worse off, and getting worse by the day because its currency is too strong compared to the dollar, and imports are down by a third because…

Quotes from the Great Depression

From the D.C. propaganda mill and the wishful thinkers on Wall Street, one would think that the current recession has "turned the corner." Of course, if you recall, it was…

Capmark Bankruptcy Oct. 26 (Formerly known as GMAC)

Here is another bankruptcy in the commercial real estate sector, as the commercial real estate market collapses.…

CIT Files for Bankruptcy

The 5th largest bankruptcy just occurred on Sunday, November 1, when CIT filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Because of its name (CIT), I wonder if they might be connected to CITI…

Possible Fulfillment of Widow's Son

We have been watching the life of Elisha since last April as it unfolds before our eyes. We are now watching for the next step--raising the widow woman's son (2 Kings 4:18-37).…

Joseph Revealed September 24

Historians now have definite proof that the biblical Joseph existed. They have discovered coins that bear his image, along with the image of a cow, pointing to Pharaoh's dream…

Guy Babylon Dies September 2

In the early 1980's the revelation about September 2 was: "Today America begins to die." The reason, of course, was because the nation had departed from God and His law. In…

Trade War with China Begins

On November 29, 1994 the US House of Representatives passed the GATT Treaty with the idea of establishing "free trade." (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) This was precisely…

Unemployment Figures Revised Again

Remember when we were told that the July unemployment rate went down from 9.6% to 9.4%, and everyone got hyped about the "end of the recession"? Well, as usual, the figures…

Will China Default on Toxic Derivatives? Reuters is reporting that China may be getting…

Fed loses lawsuit, must reveal recipients of bailout money Yesterday, August 24, the Federal Reserve lost its right to keep secret the recipients of the bailout funds.…

God Speaks to the Evangelical Lutheran Church

The "Evangelical" Lutheran Church held a conference the other day to determine whether they should CONTINUE to allow practicing homosexuals as clergy. Since a number of such…

American Jubilee Coming? "Considering the current US debt and its rate of increase, the US borrow and spend solution reminds an insolvent…