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Has the final battle just occurred?

Today is the last day of the Burning Man prayer campaign. So we can say that we will achieve victory this evening. Anyone who has read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War knows that no one…

We have turned the corner

In 2015 former Congressman Tom Delay stated that Obama’s Justice Department was working to legalize and normalize twelve perversions.…

Papal lawlessness

Pope Francis abolishes the death penalty Following an old tradition, he believes that popes have the right to abolish (or “evolve”) God’s law. It is a classic case of usurping…

True Biblical Patriotism

On May 10, 2018 it was reported that Iraqi and US forces had captured five of the ISIS leaders in Syria and Turkey.…

Deep State Socialism vs. Trump

Q has posted this news link today, showing a news report about the FBI paying Christopher Steele, the British spy, for putting together the fake anti-Trump dossier. Steele was…

Victoria Nuland's role in influencing elections

Victoria Nuland served in the State Department under both George Bush and Barack Obama. She admitted that she had spent $5 billion (not her own money, of course) on engineering…

Whistleblower exposes the Russia probe as a set up

Yesterday, August 27, Q’s post #1934 says of John McCain, “He did not depart on his own terms.” Then he repeats the number 30. It seems likely that Q is telling us that McCain’s…

Coincidences mount as Senator John McCain passes

It is being reported that Senator John McCain of Arizona died of brain cancer at 4:28 pm, Saturday, August 25. He was 81. There are a number of strange coincidences, however,…

Livestream Saturday, and other news (revised)

We are planning to have a livestream discussion on Saturday, August 25, at 2 p.m. CST. Its main purpose will be to discuss the Bible School that we are planning to set up, but it…

Current Events in the News

Burning Man Prayer Campaign This is a reminder that our prayer campaign is scheduled to begin on Sunday, August 26, ending the following Saturday evening, September 1. The…

The Deep State’s war against Q

On August 9, 2018 Q hinted in a post that things about to happen. Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime! Q It appears that the Deep State took this seriously. On Friday evening,…

What is freedom of speech?

Our constitution guarantees freedom of speech and a free press. But how we define such freedom is another question. One thing is clear, however. Speech is not free unless one has…

Uprooting the beast empires and building the Kingdom

When General Wesley Clark began talking about what he was told regarding the Deep State’s decision to go to war in Afghanistan shortly after 911, he said that the Pentagon…

The Media War to protect Babylonian immorality

On August 1, 2018 the 4:00 a.m. “talking points” were sent out to most of the mainstream media outlets to coordinate an all-out attack on QAnon. This marked the start of the Great…

News from the Battle Front

The Democrats always denied the possibility of hacking the elections (voting machines) until they lost the 2016 election. Then they explained the loss in terms of Russian hacking…

Will we see an economic collapse?

President Trump’s policies appear to be good for business and the economy in America. The so-called “trade war” is hotly debated, of course, as to whether it is good or bad. It is…

The Trump Revolution explained by Dr. Steve Pieczenik

I have long suspected that Dr. Steve Pieczenik is part of the group of military and intelligence people who got together and organized the Trump revolution. In that he is an…

Q hints of treason

Much continues to happen on the national and world scene. While there are huge efforts to suppress the “Q cult,” it continues to capture the imagination and give hope to millions…

Another Clinton whistleblower goes missing The whistleblower who exposed the Clinton’s ties to child sex cult…

Trump vows to protect elections from hackers

The US elections have been hacked since the one in the year 2000, according to the hacker himself, who testified before congress a few years ago. He had been hired to write a…