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Investigations, moves, and countermoves

James Comey, former FBI director, is expected to testify before the House behind closed doors. He tried hard to push for “transparency” by appealing to a judge to hold the hearing…

The new French Revolution

Daniel 7 speaks of a “little horn” that was to extend Roman rule after the fall of the Roman empire in 476 A.D. The little horn was characterized by the fact that he would…

Latest Qanon report

I feel inside that we crossed a threshold last night. Whether major or minor, I cannot say yet, but for the past few days I have been sensing that December would bring an increase…

Crisis in the auto industry

I was informed recently by an insider in the auto business that President Obama mandated that by 2020 the auto industry must build all of their autos that will run at least 40…

The Deep State's Ukrainian distraction

In February 2014 US president Obama brokered a deal for regime change in the Ukraine. In other words, the US government was involved in a political coup, largely through Secretary…

Countdown to a new beginning

Now that the midterm elections are past, the investigations into voter fraud have begun in California, Texas, and Florida—and perhaps other places as well. In Los Angeles, they…

News from Qanon

We have finally heard from Q again. Q’s previous post was on November 13, and he/she finally posted again last night (November 20). I had suspected that he would begin posting…

Significant News about Netanyahu and Rothschild Power

A week ago the Israelis fought with Hamas in the Gaza Strip after Israeli commandos infiltrating Gaza assassinated the Palestinian military commander. The commandos’ car was…

San Francisco fires, defending the gate, and being fishers of men

On November 10 I reported that friends of mine were stuck in traffic while evacuating from Paradise, California as a deadly fire was sweeping down upon the city. I wrote:…

Draining the Broward County swamp Did you know that since 1982, the Republican Party had been…

The Baphomet lawsuit

Satanists have filed a defamation lawsuit against Warner Brothers for $150 million for portraying their god Baphomet with slightly different features from their public relations…

Paradise Lost

In 1667 John Milton wrote Paradise Lost. It seems like an appropriate title for the situation that now exists in Paradise, California after a devastating wildfire virtually…

News from Q posts

In late September, President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA memos as well as many emails related to the FISA scandal. Democratic leaders are alarmed at such…

Enlightened Black Americans and Trump

I find it interesting that Trump was never accused of being a racist until he announced that he was running for office. Prior to that time, he was honored by the black leadership…

One Corn to rule them all

This is a picture of corn being grown by Chapingo University in Mexico. Note that it has…

The Social Media War continues

Economists tell us that a stock market crash usually starts with a lot of volatility as the bulls and bears exchange punches. We have been seeing unusual volatility in the past…

The Khashoggi murder

The crisis of the month prize certainly goes to Saudi Arabia for its apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018. I say apparent, because the body has disappeared, even…

George Soros' "Rent-an-Evangelist" program

It is amazing what some Christian ministers will do for money. Jim Wallis was part of President Obama’s White…

Australian PM apologizes for governmental failure in sexual abuse cases

There is a well-known principle in politics that says, “Never apologize; never explain.” The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, broke that rule yesterday, following the…

Wartime hypocrisy

As we approach the midterm elections in about two weeks, the battle behind the scenes is approaching its climax. It is largely a media war, where the mainstream media is fighting…