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The Spirit of Socialism

Socialism is the near opposite of the Kingdom of God, because it is based on government-sanctioned theft. The Kingdom of God respects the right of people to own their own labor…

News to keep you informed In a fiery exchange at a Washington, D.C. courtroom, a federal judge…

Juanita Broaddrick’s story

Juanita Broaddrick says that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 while he was Attorney General of Arkansas. She remembers every detail, she says, and she had evidence. The problem was…

What the Kavanaugh confirmation means

We now have a new Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, whose confirmation passed the US Senate at 4pm (EST), Saturday, October 6. Trump signed the confirmation a short time…

Helpful links to understand Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Here is some history of Dr. Ford’s family. PAST POSITION(s) – Her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from…

The Ford testimony falls apart

Last week Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified against Judge Kavanaugh in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She said she was “100 percent sure” that Kavanaugh assaulted her…

The continuing crisis in the Roman church

The pedophilia crisis in the Roman church (and other churches as well) is not being resolved. It is only getting worse. I would be surprised if Pope Francis actually resolves…

False in one thing, false in everything

In the Kavanaugh hearings the other day, Senator Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, brought up the legal principle that if a witness lies in one matter, the jury does not…

The Arch of Baal in Washington DC

Today a reproduction of the Arch of Baal is scheduled to be erected in Washington DC.…

Informative interview with Robert David Steele

Mr. Steele is a former spy (CIA agent) who understands the problems in the world today. His main mission, as he puts it, is to fight the pedophilia, the Social Media Gestapo, and…

The Kavanaugh confirmation

One of the most important events in our time that is likely to change the entire political landscape would be the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. This would…

Declassifying the IG’s FISA report

On September 17, 2018 the President declassified parts of the Inspector General’s FISA report and ordered the DOJ and the FBI to release those documents unredacted to the public.…

The spiritual side of politics

The political controversies are not just politics as usual. What you see in the political realm is the outcome of spiritual warfare. Here is an article about how Satanists are…

The fight for transparency

The tempo has increased since the start of the new Hebrew year September 10. President Trump has declassified at least 20 pages from the FISA report, because these pages had been…

Trump declassifies 20 pages from the FISA memo, while Democrats panic

The guacamole has finally hit the fan. President Trump has finally declassified the 20 pages of the FISA memo that Congressional leaders have requested in the interest of…

Second Thoughts on Free Trade

Many countries are now having second thoughts on the principle of free trade, especially when it comes to China’s trade practices. China is smart enough to buy companies and…

Florence and news from Q

It is increasingly clear that we are finally moving past Elijah into the Elisha ministry and from Moses to the Joshua ministry. In both cases, it is a progression from the single…

Ohio Governor John Kasich says McCain was "put to death"

It was reported earlier by the mainstream media that John McCain died of brain cancer on August 25, 2018. But Q had always questioned his illness. Why did he develop brain cancer…

Fulford confirms takedown of the cabal

Benjamin Fulford gives his perspectives from Japan as a spokesman for the White Dragon Society. Today he wrote: The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that…

Instead of repenting, the Roman Church spends millions to protect pedophile priests

These articles are from 2016, which is fairly recent but not part of today’s breaking news. It shows how the Roman church has been working to save itself from having to pay…