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Song sung during Paris attack

In the attack in Paris the evening of November 13, 2015, one of the targets was the Bataclan, where the Eagles of Death Metal were having a concert. Their acronym is EODM, which…

IMF approves China's Renminbi as a world currency

History has been made today, as the IMF approved China’s currency in the “basket of currencies.” It was something that the IMF had said would be postponed until next September.…

Russia begins ground operation in Syria

Russia has not yet officially announced this yet, but reports from Arab news media is saying that it has begun ground operations in Syria. Since November 29/30 are watch dates, it…

Video of Keshe Foundation peace conference from October 16, 2015

This is a U-Tube link to the Keshe conference on October 16. It is long, and I have only had time to look at the first part of it. However, it shows that the conference did take…

US dollar gets another paper cut

There is an old saying about killing someone with a thousand paper cuts. This has been the Chinese strategy against the US dollar, especially since 2010 when the US congress…

Iraq invites Russia to bomb ISIS

This is self-explanatory. Since the US won't do it as they promised, perhaps Russia will.…

Babylon's State of the Union

The stock markets around the world have plunged this week, and it appears that the U.S. Plunge Protection Team that was set up by Reagan is not doing anything about it. Today the…

Taiwan fire update

Natural News is reporting that as a result of the fire, a gay rights activist was arrested for causing the fire.…

Europe's poorest country just got robbed

Moldova is Europe’s poorest country. The three of its banks just had to be bailed out by the government, because they “loaned” money to companies that immediately sent the money…

Greece is preparing to default

The failure of the negotiations between Greece and the European Central Bank yesterday has resulted in both sides taking steps to prepare for default. It looks like Greece is…

Resurrection testimony at the UN

This short testimony, given at the UN, tells how Mr. Lee Stoneking was raised from the dead. Perhaps it is significant as a sign of the Stone Kingdom that is arising.…

Texas gold depository may be the first step toward re-monetizing gold

When governments give themselves the legal right to lie, it is usually based on the mistaken idea that their lies are “good for the people.” The people can’t handle the truth. The…

After being snubbed by President Obama, will Secretary of State John Kerry resign?

Zerohedge has published a very insightful article showing the inner conflict between President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. On September 5, 2014 the leaders of…

ISIS drying up the Euphrates River

In Iraq, upstream from the old city of Babylon, ISIS controls the river and the dam at Ramadi. They are now stopping the water, which is drying up the river downstream. This is…

South African lion kills American tourist

Last Monday, as I began to write about the story of Daniel being delivered from the lions, another event was happening in South Africa.…

Declassified Documents reveal ISIS was trained by US Intelligence Agency in 2012

Judicial Watch has obtained classified documents through the Freedom of Information Act which shows that the US government itself facilitated and trained ISIS in 2012. They also…

The Saudi Nuclear Program

President Obama invited Mideast leaders to a summit in Washington. Only two out of six of the invited leaders bothered to show up: Kuwait and Qatar. The most significant snub came…

Pope Francis recognizes the Palestinian State This is another step in the downfall of the counterfeit Israel. In March 2000 Pope John Paul II recognized the…

The end of West Coast fishing?

The Fukishima nuclear meltdown in Japan on March 11, 2011 has been spilling tons of radioactive water into the ocean for the past four years. It has finally reached critical…

A sign of the arms of silver

This event occurred in 2013 but was just reported yesterday. In November 1942, the…