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Nimrud Destroyed

Nimrud was the ancient capital of Assyria until the time of King Sennacherib, who moved the capital to Nineveh. Sennacherib was the Assyrian king who came against Jerusalem in the…

The Spoils of War turn into Spoiling the War

The fallout from the AIIB debacle, wherein the US was defeated on the economic battlefield, is now being seen in the US war against Russia being spoiled by the European Union.…

Iceland's Sovereign Money Proposal

Iceland seems to be ahead of everyone in finding the solution to the debt-money system. A few years ago they had a popular revolution that jailed or kicked out bankers and…

Yemen, the latest war

Yemen is being bombarded by airstrikes in the world’s latest war in the Mideast. An internal revolution, led by a Shi’ite group (Houdi) was unacceptable to Saudi Arabia and other…

Who left the gates open?

Over the week end, the chairman of the IMF has come out with a statement that she is “delighted” to cooperate with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).…

Switzerland joins AIIB

The unraveling of US influence is continuing with Switzerland’s decision to join the AIIB as a founding member. South Korea is now considering it as well. It appears that to be a…

The turning point in US dominance

As a result of Congress’ refusal to approve the IMF reforms, giving other nations more voting power, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is warning of a “dangerous” situation with…

Back from New Zealand, and Catching up on the latest news

We got back from New Zealand late last night and slept in until 11:00 a.m. It may take another day or two to get fully rested. It was a very good trip, and I will give a full…

The Los Angeles Port strike caused by dispute over Obamacare tax

I had heard on the mainstream news that the conflict between the longshoremen and the port authority that it was about “health care benefits.” But they failed to tell us exactly…

NSA and Britain get in Dutch

It seems that intelligence agencies believe they have the right to know everything, and Edward Snowden has just exposed this to the world. So while the US and Britain fight Russia…

US government finds solution to ISIS problem

The spokesman for the US State Department, Marie Harf, says that they plan to make war on ISIS by offering them jobs.…

Did planes hit the Twin Towers on 911? (with disclaimer)

John Lear, son of the Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear, has filed a sworn affidavit in court that no planes hit the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. A crazy idea? The Twin Towers…

Croatia declares a (partial) Jubilee

The idea of a biblical Jubilee is spreading, as debts reach crisis proportions around the world. Croatia limited its Jubilee to the poorest only, but it shows that the Jubilee…

Breaking News from Ben Fulford [Quote] Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of…

Update on the Yellowstone Report

On January 30 I posted a Yellowstone Report. {CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2015/01-2015/yellowstone-volcano-report/ It has been removed from U-Tube with an apology but no…

Yellowstone Volcano Report

A geologist for Yellowstone Park is reporting the possibility of a giant eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano within the next two weeks.…

German news reporter repents and confesses his big sin

Here is a reporter who confesses how he and many other reporters are fed stories from the CIA and the German Intelligence Agency to put stories into the public arena that are…

Does the world change today?

Russia is set to launch its new internal payments system, independent of the Fed’s SWIFT system. Russia’s system was made necessary when US sanctions were imposed last summer…

NY Times calls for prosecution of torturers

The media has always been the tool that the Babylonian leaders have used to signal a change in political or legal policies. After hiding political criminals for many years, the…

Brazil's Torture Report implicates US trainers

Brazil just released its own Torture Report which it had been working on since 2012. It was designed to bring transparency to the government's use of torture from 1964-1985.…