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Update on the News

There is a lot of news to report and not enough time to make it understandable. The IMF Reform of 2010, which the US congress has refused to pass, is now passing its deadline…

Europe hurting from sanctions on Russia

US sanctions against Russia are probably hurting Europe more than Russia. How long can they keep these sanctions going without resenting the pressure from US policy? China's…

China invests $45.6 billion in Pakistan

China is paying for investment in Pakistan, not only to develop energy resources (probably oil and gas fields) but also infrastructure projects. Since this will not increase…

The Honorable Paul Hellyer addresses Congressmen on world affairs

This former Canadian Minister of Defense was given 20 minutes in May of 2013 before some US congressmen to enlighten them in regard to various items of national interest,…

Kiev stops state services and banking to eastern Ukraine

The US-sponsored Kiev government is abandoning the east where “rebels” hold territory. Ukraine's president has ordered the…

Russia sends friendly warning to US navy

Last April the USS Donald Cook was sent to the Black Sea to monitor Russian activity in the Crimea and Ukraine. Russia sent an unarmed Su-24 fighter jet to reduce US confidence in…

Dr. Myles Munroe and his wife killed in plane crash

Dr. Myles Munroe was a good Kingdom preacher and author. Some of you have read his books, as I have.…

Who or what killed Osama bin Laden?

The latest tale out of Washington is the SEAL who is claiming responsibility for killing Osama Bin laden, alias Tim Osman (CIA operative code name). Paul Craig Roberts, former…

New world trade center opens today

The new World Trade Center—the so-called “Freedom Tower”—is now open for business, and the first tenant, Conde Nast, is now beginning to move into it.…

Confirmation of authority transfer

We are still working on sizing the pictures from yesterday’s decree. I hope to post this weblog yet this evening. Meanwhile, here is an interesting report that appears to…

Recent addition to Georgia Guide Stones

It appears that a mysterious addition to the Georgia Guide Stones has appeared recently. A stone was added with a date on it: 2014. It was placed just above the command to reduce…

Lights out for Babylon

I believe this picture is a movie theater in Babylon, New York. Someone sent it to me, and I thought it would be good to share it with all of you. This picture is certainly worth…

Mexico's judge turns Monsanto's dream into nightmare

Last year I was told that Microsoft's Bill Gates and Carlos Slim went to Mexico with $20 million in hand to bribe Mexico's lawmakers into allowing Monsanto to bring GMO seeds to…

Senior US Intelligence officers warn against flimsy intelligence and bogus pictures

This is a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, sent by senior intelligence officers who remain skeptical about the so-called “Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Below are…

News you should know

Some “Dutch intellectuals,” led by Professor Cees Hamelink, have sent a letter of apology to Russian President Putin They apologize on behalf of their government for the blatant…

Update on the News

We got back late last night from our ministry trip. This past week was full of meetings and fellowship. Everything went very well, and some prophetic things were accomplished that…

Malaysian newspaper says MH17 shot down by Ukrainian government fighter jets

The Malaysian government has been doing its own investigation into the downing of flight MH17. The Strait Times newspaper in Kuala Lumpur is largely a reflection of the views of…

The coup in Baghdad

Saturday August 8 was the constitutional deadline for President Masum on Iraq to give Parliament a nominee for Prime Minister. Masum failed to meet that deadline, as the…

Bolivia declares Israel to be a terrorist state

The Israeli government has already lost most of the world’s support, other than the few Western nations that it controls.…

Short monetary history from Bretton Woods to BRICS

This is a short article about one of the most important issues in the world today. It is well written and easy to understand. The Bretton Woods agreement in July 1944 is now being…