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Constitutional Convention Coming Soon

Today the Ohio legislature was supposed to vote on a bill to see whether or not to call for a Constitutional Convention. The bill was introduced on December 3, 2008. See . . .…

SWAT Team Swats Flies

This SWAT Team must have had too much time on their hands.

Is Dubai the First Casualty of the Oil Price Drop?

Bloomberg is reporting: Real-estate values surged fourfold over the past five years, fueled by a supply shortage and an influx of expatriates. Rising commodities prices drove…

Is Hillary Clinton Constitutionally Eligible to be Secretary of State?

Here is an interesting provision of the Constitution, which Presidents Nixon and Reagan had to wrestle with in the past. Senator Clinton now faces the same constitiutional…

Interesting 60-Second Ad Regarding Obama's Citizenship Issue

Here is an ad being run now. I doubt if anything will come of the constitutional issue of citizenship, unless Obama decides to do…

AOL News Mentions the Controversy about Obama's Birth Certificate

The mainstream media has largely ignored this controversy. But AOL News has finally posted an article about it, informing us of the Supreme Court's meeting this Friday. The…

The Republic of Lakota

On Dec. 17, 2007 the Lakotas went to Washington and gave notice of their sovereignty as an independent nation. They have recently started the Free Lakota Bank. You should know…

Global Research Analysis of Citibank's Demise

On Friday November 21, the world came within a hair’s breadth of the most colossal financial collapse in history according to bankers on the inside of events with whom we have…

The $7.76 Trillion Bailout

Just when we were getting used to a $300 billion bailout (or Baal-out), now the Bloomberg report tells us that this is just the beginning.…

Record-Breaking Three Banks Fail on Nov. 21

Two California-based banks and one in Georgia failed last Friday, Nov. 21, 2008. This was a new record for a single day. So far, 20 banks have failed this year.…

The Free Lakota Bank

The formation of the Free Lakota Bank was announced today. On Dec. 17, 2007 the Lakota tribe declared its sovereignty to form a "breakaway republic," since the US government has…

Update on Obama's Citizenship Case in the Supreme Court

It appears that the Supreme Court will meet December 5 to decide whether or not to hear Philip Berg's case regarding Obama's Birth Certificate and eligibility to be President of…

Cheney and Gonzales Indicted by Texas Grand Jury

"Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have been named in a South Texas grand jury indictment on charges related to the alleged abuse of…

Alan Keyes Files Suit on Obama's Birthplace

It appears that the question of Obama's birthplace is not going away. In fact, continues to grow because he has not simply stepped forward and made his birth certificate available…

Should Catholics Refrain from Communion if They Voted for Obama

A South Carolina priest says parishoners should refrain from taking communion until after they have gone to confession to absolve themselves from voting for a pro-abortion…

The Church of the Holy Brawl

Well, well, once again we see the character of Christ lacking in church leadership as they brawl over their rights in Jerusalem. It's no wonder Jews and Muslims see Christianity…

Treasury Secretary Admits Being Wrong

Who would have seen it coming? The smart guy from Goldman Sachs was wrong? And he admits it?…

Follow-up on the Investigation into Obama's Birthplace

It is being reported that an Imam (Mulsim cleric) has obtained records from Kenya that Obama was indeed born there. This Imam is the grandson of the Imam who is said to have…

Here's the Origin of Freddie and Fannie's Collapse

The New York Times reported on Sept.30, 1999 the new policy that Freddie and Fannie were undertaking to make mortgages more available to those who could not afford it. Thank-you,…

The Loss of Freedom in America

This news report from 2006 speaks for itself. It is truly astounding, and I applaud his courage to speak out.…