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Branson Conference report

We had a great conference in Branson, Missouri this past weekend, and we returned home last night. We brought Arthur home with us, and he will be staying with us for the rest of…

Urgent update on Tabernacles conference

Here is the link to the original details for the Tabernacles conference in Branson in October.…

Pentecost conference report from Stone Kingdom Ministries Note also that the Tabernacles conference will be held October 25-27 at the Chateau on the Lake…

Pentecost Conference Report

We returned home last evening from our trip to North Carolina, where I was a speaker at the Pentecost conference in Charlotte last weekend. As usual, it was the best conference…

Livestream conference next week end (Passover)

This past week we have been arranging speakers for an online Passover conference that will be livestreamed from my home office. The speakers will link up to us from their own…

Pentecost Conference update

James Bruggeman has sent out this link to an update on the Pentecost conference June 7-9. The invited and confirmed speakers to date are Rob Corry, PA; Stephen Jones, of God’s…

Pentecost Conference June 7-9, 2019

Stone Kingdom Ministries is sponsoring a Pentecost conference instead of the usual Passover conference. Here are the details. Dates: June 7-9, 2019, beginning at 9 a.m.…

Joseph Conference Report

The Joseph Conference in San Diego brought about 120 people to the hotel, and the room was quite filled to capacity with room for only a few more. The thought has occurred to…

Schedule of meetings in Australia and New Zealand and contact information

NOTE: Parenthesis have been added to the address below in order to minimize any bot uptake of the email addresses. When you use the email addresses below please do not include the…

Intro to conference speakers in January

The “Joseph Conference” in San Diego, CA will be held January 25-27, 2019. It will focus particularly on the monetary/financial aspects of the Kingdom in relation to the calling…

Leaving Tuesday for the Conference

We will be leaving tomorrow morning (Tuesday) to go to the conference in Branson. Will be gone for a week. My son will do the office work and will send out any book orders that…

Upcoming Tabernacles Conference in September

Dr. Jones will be speaking at the upcoming Tabernacles Conference in early September. James Bruggeman of Stone Kingdom Ministries will be hosting this conference in Branson, MO…

A prophetic word for the Passover Conference

This word came today from Sean. Some of you may remember him from last year’s reports on his trip (with Paul) to Washington DC and other places. There are angels in airplanes…

Passover Conference Update

The Passover conference will be held at the Apostolic Revival Center in Peru, Indiana on March 30 to April 1, 2018. See my original report here:…

Passover Conference Announcement

Last October I had given the responsibility to plan the conferences back to James Bruggeman, but since then other circumstances have arisen to change that. He has asked me once…

Update on making Conference reservations

If you are making a reservation at the AmericInn in Cloquet, you will have to call their local number to get the discount. I gave you the 800 number, but that takes you to the…

Additions to Conference Weblog

The theme of the conference is Turning the Hearts, based on the Elijah/Elisha calling found in 1 Kings 18:37 and Luke 1:17. This theme should be viewed also in terms of Matthew…

Tabernacles Conference details and update

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in Cloquet, MN contacting the hotels in the area. So I can give you an update. We will be meeting for Tabernacles on October 13-15, 2017, beginning…

Update on Tabernacles conference

We now have a firm date for the Tabernacles conference in Cloquet, Minnesota--October 13-15, 2017. So once again our plan is to begin on Friday morning, October 13 and end late…

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