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Mercy in the Lake of Fire

When Solomon dedicated the temple, his inspired prayer recognized that God would judge sin, and yet the judgment would end when the people repented. For example, 1 Kings 8:33, 34…

The Law Applied with Mercy--Part 4, Absalom and Adonijah

David's sin with Bathsheba affected him throughout his 40-year reign all the way to the end. The most dramatic and prophetic of God's judgments upon David was the story of…

The Law Applied with Mercy--Part 3, God Judges David

The biblical record makes it clear that David was guilty of both adultery and murder. Why, then, was David not put to death for his crimes? Was the law discarded? Or have we…

The Law Applied with Mercy--Part 2, David and Bathsheba

When King Saul was disqualified from having a perpetual dynasty, God said to him through the prophet Samuel in 1 Sam. 13:14, "But now your kingdom shall not endure. The Lord…

The Law Applied with Mercy--Part 1, The Tabernacle of David

In the days of Eli, the corrupt high priest of Israel, the Ark of the Covenant was taken into battle and captured by the Philistines. They held it for eight months (from the feast…

The Kiss--Part 2

When David wrote in Psalm 85:10 that "righteousness and peace have kissed," he was using the metaphor of love and marriage. He repeats the idea in a parallel fashion, as we so…

Righteousness and Peace--The Kiss

Psalm 85:10 says, "Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other." Emotions aside, a kiss is a symbolic act of love, intimacy, and…

The Law of the Anointing--Part 2

To be anointed is to be enchristed. The word "Christ" simply means an anointed one. So why is it that Jesus was called "The Christ"? There is no record that He was ever physically…

The Law of the Anointing: Part 1

The holy anointing oil was made with the ingredients listed in Ex. 30:23-25. The vessels of the sanctuary (tabernacle) were to be anointed with it in order to consecrate them for…

The Role of Frankincense in the Law

The Hebrew word for frankincense is lebanaw, which is from laban, "white." Recall that Jacob worked for his Uncle Laban for 20 years in the book of Genesis. The nation of Lebanon…

Mercy Triumphs Over Justice

We have not fully appreciated the statement in James 2:13, "mercy rejoiceth against judgment" (KJV), or "mercy triumphs over judgment" (NASB). Let me explain. James, the…

The Law of Repenting for the Sin of Theft

Numbers 5 deals with two cases where the earthly court is unable to do justice because of the lack of witnesses. In such cases where someone believes that justice cannot be done,…

The Law of Jealousy

In John 8:3-11, we read the story how the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman "caught in adultery" (vs. 3), demanding that He judge her according to the law in Deut.…

The Laws of Warfare--Part 2

In Matthew 12, Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees for harvesting grain on the Sabbath. No, they were not really "harvesting" grain. They were merely taking some of the grain…

The Laws of Warfare: Part 1

A discussion of the laws of murder and manslaughter must also include something about warfare, because many groups have been established on the view that all warfare is inherently…

Laws of Murder and Manslaughter--Part 1

The sixth commandment says, "Thou shalt not kill." The Hebrew word for "kill" covers both murder and manslaughter. But as usual, the commandments are summarized statements or…

The Law of Revenge--Part 3

It has long been assumed that God is bound by His own law to judge all sin (offenses against him). This is only a partial truth, because it is based purely upon the law's…

The Law of Revenge--Part 2

In biblical days they did not have a police department to arrest those who broke the law. The people themselves were the police department and the arresting officers. If they were…

The Law of Revenge--Part 1

There has been much misunderstanding of the nature and character of the Old Testament God, known as Yahweh. Too often He has been portrayed as a God of Vengeance and has been…

The Law of Blood and Redemption--Part 2

Leviticus 17:11 tells us literally that "the fleshly soul is in the blood." In other words, the blood represents the soul when poured out upon the earth. Secondly, the soul is…