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The Law of False Prophets--Final

In Matthew 24:23 and 24 Jesus warned us, " (23) Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. (24) For false Christs and…

The Law of False Prophets--Part 4

In Ezekiel 14 we are given, in effect, a Supreme Court ruling to clarify the law of Moses (i.e., the will of God). The Mosaic legislation was not specific enough to tell us if God…

The Law of False Prophets--Part 3

The idea that God takes credit for sending prophets to the nation to test their hearts by teaching lawlessness is not easy to understand. It really does require an indepth…

The Law of False Prophets--Part 2

In Deut. 13 God told Israel that He would test them by sending prophets and dreamers to them who would teach rebellion and lawlessness with signs and wonders. This may seem…

The Law of False Prophets--Part 1

Deuteronomy 18:20-22 gives us part of the law dealing with prophets who speak presumptuously in the name of the Lord or in the name of other gods. It says in verse 20, "that…

The Law of Prophets--Part 2

The first prophet mentioned as such in Scripture is Abraham (Gen. 20:7). Later, Moses is called a prophet (Deut. 18:18), but with him were other prophets: Aaron (Ex. 7:1) and…

The Law of Prophets--Part 1

Deuteronomy 18 speaks of both true and false prophets and is one of the better known laws in Scripture. First, of the true prophets of whom Christ is Supreme, we read Moses' words…

The Laws of Liability--Part 3

Periodically, I am questioned about my view that people other than Israel may be liable before God to be obedient to His law. So let us proceed from the general to the specific.…

The Laws of Liability--Part 2

A creator owns and is responsible for that which he creates. Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." John 1:3 says that "apart from Him nothing…

The Laws of Liability--Part 1

In one sense the entire law is about liability, for the moment God gives a command, all are liable to submit to it and obey it, whether or not they agree with that law. However,…

The Law of Bondservants--Part 2

A bondservant was to be set free in the Sabbath year on the Hebrew calendar (Ex. 21:2). The master was also to give him liberal provisions, as we read in Deut. 15:12-15, and not…

The Law of Bondservants--Part 1

The Apostle Paul introduces himself more than once as "a bondservant of Jesus Christ." (Example: Romans 1:1.) But are we not supposed to be Sons, rather than bondservants? What…

The Law of First Fruits--Part 4

Exodus 13:13 tells us that donkeys were unclean animals and their first-born were not allowed to be presented to God. Donkeys required a lamb to redeem them. And since Israel was…

The Law of First Fruits--Part 3

Any study of the law of first fruits is incomplete without making the connection to the firstborn of the animals as well as first-born sons. The connection is made in Exodus…

The Law of First Fruits--Part 2

There is one area of confusion that I want to clarify. People have often asked me how it is that the barley harvest (i.e., the first resurrection) would occur at the feast of…

The Law of First Fruits

Each of the three main feast days in Israel was a time when the first fruits were to be offered to God. Exodus 23:16 reads, "(14) Three times a year you shall celebrate a…

The Law of Witnesses--Part 3

There are three primary features in the law of witnesses. FIRST, a witness is not a witness unless he hears something or sees something. He must know something first hand;…

A Recent Example of Bearing False Witness on Fox News

Here is an interesting report about how Fox News was able to bury a report by its own investigative reporters about Monsanto's milk-producing drug (given to cows) goes into the…

The Law of Witnesses--Part 2

The Ninth Commandment reads, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" (Ex. 20:16). This is normally understood to be a prohibition against lying in daily life.…

The Law of Witnesses--Part 1

One of the most important features of justice in a court of law centers around the witnesses in a case. If a society has a tendency to produce false witnesses, injustice will most…