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The Three Tithes--Part 2

Biblical taxes (tithes) are rooted in the concept that God created all things and therefore owns all that He created. He lays claim to ownership of the land (Lev. 25:23) and,…

The Three Tithes

Up to now, I have written only about a single tithe given to the Levites, and the tithe of the tithe given to Aaron and his sons, the priests. But actually, there were three…

Usury and Islamic Banks

Islamic banks are generally doing better than most western banks. That is because the Islamic banks do not charge usury. They partner with those who ask them for loans to set up a…

Kingdom Taxes to Fund Government--Part 3

It has been over 2,500 years since the Kingdom of God was an autonomous Kingdom on earth. The Babylonian captivity has gone on for so long that few know what it was like in those…

Kingdom Taxes to Fund Government--Part 2

Kingdom government ceased to be a political and geographical expression when God put the people of Israel and Judah into captivity for their continued violation of His law and…

Kingdom Taxes to Fund Government

In any discussion of Kingdom economics, one of the major issues is that of taxation. Taxation is one of the big issues in any American election. Biblical taxes are called the…

God's Law on Usury

In a Babylonian system, usury is regulated and often limited to a certain percentage. In other words, usury is not simply "interest" in general, but it is defined by Babylonian…

Disease from Genetically Modified Foods

Here is an interesting article about how the great FrankenFood experiment in America may be causing Morgellon's Disease. Below is a partial quote from:…

God's Economy

When nations on earth refuse to recognize God as the Creator, their governments assume ownership of that which God has created. The Kingdom of God, on the other hand,…

God's Laws on Military Service--Part 2

It is plain from Scripture that God understands our weaknesses as human beings. He does not condone sin, of course, but knowing our imperfections and weaknesses, He has given…

God's Laws on Military Service--Part 1

God's law provides for two kinds of military service, one spiritual and the other physical or fleshly. There are also weapons for each kind of warfare. Fleshly warfare, in…

God's Laws on Land and Inheritance--Part 5

Deut. 12:17 speaks of "the tithe of your grain, or new wine, or oil, or the first-born of your herd or flock." This tithe is owed to God because the income or increase was derived…

God's Laws on Land and Inheritance--Part 4

I had originally pondered doing a series on God's Laws on Economics, comparing the economic system of the world with that of the Bible. But I soon realized that virtually EVERY…

God's Laws on Land and Inheritance--Part 3

It has been said that the power to tax is the power to destroy. In other words, when someone does not pay the tax that has been imposed, the government then seizes the property or…

God's Laws on Land and Inheritance--Part 2

In the second chapter of Daniel, the king of Babylon had a troubling dream. The problem is that when he awoke from it, he could not remember it. So obviously, the wise men of…

God's Laws on Land and Inheritance--Part 1

The most basic truth of the Bible is found in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." This verse is the foundation of Scripture and establishes His…

God's Laws on Religious Freedom--Part 3

Jesus said in Matt. 28:18, "all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." Paul followed up with the statement in Eph. 2:6, "and raised us up with Him and seated us…

God's Laws on Religious Freedom--Part 2

The first commandment says, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." The God of the Bible was speaking, not the gods of other nations. The biblical God was defined by the Bible,…

God's Laws on Religious Freedom

Yesterday, federal agents raided the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints after police had received a telephone call from a 16-year-old wife of that order,…

Article on the Fed's Failed Effort

After watching for a month to see if the Fed's rescue plan in late January would succeed, the U.K.'s Telegraph has pronounced it a failure. Even those "brilliant" economists are…