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UN says Israeli settlements are illegal GENEVA -- The United Nations' first report on the broad policy of Israeli…

A new Israeli peace movement

This shows why we ought to stop assuming that leaders of a country represent the heart of the people. Though the leaders of Israel and Iran (and many others) treat other nations…

Palestine name change reflects new reality RAMALLAH, West Bank -- The Palestinian president has ordered his government to…

UN votes on Palestine November 29, 2012 On September 25, 2012, the General Debate of the 67th UN General Assembly began, and Abbas asked to upgrade the status of Palestine to…

Iran's president warmly greeted by Jewish leaders in New York The headline on this U-Tube video says that President Achmadinejad meet with "Israeli" leaders. That is not true.…

Kissinger predicts end of Israel

Reported in the Washington Post for September 17, 2012: a quotation from Henry Kissinger: In ten years, there will be no more Israel."…

"Innocence of Muslims" video, false flag revealed

The following is copied from another site. We copied it in case someone else shuts it down later. Credit is given at the bottom of the article. Recall that September 11, 2012…

Israeli 50-day time table for war? "We now stand, in my opinion, before the 50 most fateful days in Israel's history, since perhaps the Yom…

The window of opportunity for an Israeli strike against Iran Ex-CIA Analyst Tells Us The Real Reason…

Covert wars of man and the covert plan of God

General Wesley Clark said in an interview that on Sept. 18, 2001 the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, issued a memo that said the USA was going to go to war with Iraq.…

Arabian Money article predicts silver above $50 in September

I have written in the past that I believe that when the price of silver hits $50/oz that this will be a major sign of the downfall of Mystery Babylon. This is based partly on the…

Preparing for monumental changes in the world

It appears that the Iraqi parliament is poised now to issue an official no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Maliki. At least five leaders of the opposition include Hakim,…

Significant events in Iraq taking place

This past month many in the Iraqi parliament have finally decided to give PM Maliki a vote of no-confidence. Even al-Sadr has finally turned against Maliki, even though both of…

How the Israeli army observes May Day It's all part of the long-term strategy to make life so miserable for Palestinians…

Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran "I believe the US will exploit the situation to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. But, even more importantly, the US…

War with Iran in May? The days of waiting until Congress declares war are long gone. I think World War 2 was the last time Congress declared war in the constitutional…

Iraqi PM Maliki busy accruing power before his downfall "He has been accruing power since rising to his post in 2006 in a process that has…

Iraqi War officially ends December 15

The war is officially over, and on December 15 US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta attended the flag-lowering ceremony in Bagdhad.…

Iraqi news about soon removal of Chapter VII sanctions

Here is a very good article from Alsumeria news in Iraq. It speaks of the Chapter VII sanctions imposed upon Iraq in 1990, and implies that these will be removed in accordance…