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Israel Admits Use of Phosphorus Bombs in Lebanon

Yesterday, the Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz, ran this article, saying that Israel had used Phosphorus bombs in the recent war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. It also tells us that the…

U.S. Ponders Cutting Iraq in Three

Here is an interesting article, showing how the U.S. government is coming to the conclusion that Iraq has to be subdivided. They have attempted to keep Iraq as a single nation,…

Hamas Funded by Israelis (Article)

Here is a good article written by William Blum, posted by Counterpunch. It is entitled: "Is There a Stronger Word than Hypocricy?" To read the full article, go to:…

News from Iran and Israel

On April 11, 2006 the Israeli cabinet officially declared Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to be incapacitated. In other words, he is now officially an ex-Prime Minister. Insofar as he…

Iranian Oil Bourse Postponed

The Persian Journal reports that there has been a postponement of the new Iranian oil bourse that was supposed to be implemented on March 20, 2006. And when it is implemented, it…

Christian Evangelist Banned for Criticism of Israel

Some of you have asked me why I don't go on Christian radio to tell the Christians what is really going on in the Israeli state. I have replied that it is useless, because I would…

Interesting News Article Regarding Islam

This New York Times article is quite interesting. I have thought for many years that many Islamic people will one day become so violent-weary that they will turn away from what…

Babylon (Iraq) Splitting into Three Parts

As we approach the time of the seventh vial being poured out, take note that Rev. 16:18-20 speaks of a great "earthquake" that results in the great city of Babylon being "divided…

Israel Shamir: A Former Jew Speaks Out

Israel Shamir is a Jewish Christian, but not a Zionist. He deplores the idea of Jewish Supremacy, commonly known as the "Chosen People" idea of Christian Zionism. In his recent…

Congressman Ron Paul on the Coming Iran War

I have written in recent months about the danger of war with Iran, and I singled out the new "Oil Bourse" that Iran is setting up on March 20, 2006 as a primary cause. Now on…

Hamas--The Palestinian Likud

On January 27, 2006 when it was clear that the Palestinian election had resulted in victory for the Hamas party, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, ran an interesting article…

Persia and the Media

My web log dated Dec. 16, 2005 spoke of Persia and its prophetic involvement in the overthrow of Babylon. Persia is now called Iran, and I have believed for decades that Iran would…

Iran's Petrodollar War: March 20, 2006

In previous articles we have shown that certain powerful Zionist interests in the Bush Administration have been pushing us into war since the mid-1990's. Their reasons are simple:…

Middle East Edges Closer to Nuclear War

The Palestinian elections on Jan. 25, 2006 produced an "earthquake," as reported in today's news. The "militant" and "terrorist" political party, HAMAS, appear to have won the…

Past Israeli Nuclear Policy

The news on Jan. 3, 2006 was that Iran resumed its nuclear enrichment program for its nuclear power plant. The Israelis are not only very concerned about this, but also they have a…

Is the President Beginning to See the Light?

President Bush has done a lot of sabre rattling toward Iran in the past, but it appears that he is now having second thoughts. A number of factors appear to be making him re-think…

The Calling of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon was elected Israeli Prime Minister some years ago after he visited the temple mount and caused a riot. For his trouble in scuttling the peace process, the Israeli…

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