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Final Israeli War in 2009?

Jesus warned the religious-political leaders of His day not to be sitting on the feet of the Babylonian image when the time came for the great Stone to strike its feet and grind…

Israeli Covert War Against Iran

The Telegraph (U.K.) has published a news article telling us that the Israelis have now launched a covert war against Iran. Their main objective is to delay the Iranian nuclear…

Only Right-Wing Zionists Left in Israel

The Israelis held elections last Tuesday. According to Ha'aretz, the outcome shows that the "left-wing" parties are essentially dead. The Israeli left died in 2000. Since…

Israel's Ambassador to Australia Spills the Beans

The Israeli ambassador to Australia forgot to tell the newsmen to turn off their cameras before threatening Iran with some type of military action within the next month. Watch…

Jerusalem Post Article on the War in Gaza

Someone is now suggesting that the Israeli government treat Hamas in Gaza like the United States did to Japan toward the end of World War II. In other words, they are now…

Gaza War Escalates

The Gaza strip is one huge refugee camp created by the Israelis in 1948 when they drove Palestinians from their homes. The Israeli policy has always been to make life so miserable…

Demonstrators Hurl Shoes at British Government

It looks like the Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at President Bush has started a new form of demonstration. British demonstrators protesting the Israeli invasion of Gaza…

Letter from Aid Workers in Gaza

Here is a letter from those who have braved Israeli bullets to take medical aid from Cyprus to Gaza by boat. They have a web site as well, which is very good.…

Behind the Gaza Invasion--It's All Gas

Here is an interesting article from July 2006, which probably explains a lot about the current bombardment of Gaza. The Israelis are attempting to destroy the government of Gaza,…

Christmas Message to You from the President of Iran

Yes, this is for real. Iran's President Ahmadinejad gave this Christmas message on Dec. 25, 2008. I am just forwarding it to you. Thursday 25 December 2008 10.11 GMT The…

The Possibilities of an Israeli Attack on Iran

The news media sees the election of Obama as diminishing the likelihood of an Israeli or American attack upon Iran's nuclear facilities. That could mean, of course, that the…

Chips Ahoy--A Correction

Israeli Citizens to Receive RFID Chips in the Hand? By now, perhaps many of you may have already received an email from Aviad Cohen telling you that Israel has recently passed a…

RFID Chips to become Mandatory in Israel

Here is an article posted recently, claiming that "chipping" will soon become mandatory in the Israeli state. If…

New Agreement "Allows" us to Stay 3 more years in Iraq

The US signed a pact with the Iraqi president that "allows" us to remain in Iraq for another 3 years. This is not exactly big news, but it does point out an important detail…

Netanyahu's Nephew Refuses Israeli Military Service

Here is an interesting article about a growing number of Israeli young men who are refusing to go along with the government oppression of Palestinians. Note in the article that he…

Russia Destroys or Captures U.S. and Israeli Military Equipment in Georgia

In the past seven years, American and Israel has been turning Georgia into a military base, apparently expecting to use it in an attack against Iran. That dream has been…

Operation Brimstone and its Effects

Now that Operation Brimstone has been completed the end of July, in which naval warships from the USA and some European countries practiced a blockade against Iran, it appears…

Two More Carrier Groups Heading for Persian Gulf

It looks like another build up of aircraft carriers is heading for the Persian Gulf, either in preparation for an attack on Iran or a bluff to scare them into submission.…

Iran's President on the Downfall of Babylon

Iran's President speaks of "the big powers" as coming to the end of their power. To be completely accurate, he should have identified these "powers" as Mystery Babylon, which has…