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Israeli/US Armada heads for Iran The drums of war are beating louder.

News from Abadan This shows just how important Abadan is in the oil industry today. Keep in mind that it is a slight variation of the…

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza sets up showdown with Israeli blockade This shows how relations between Turkey and Israel have plummeted in the past year or…

The Spread of Christianity in Iran Be careful not to get caught up in the political hatred being…

US and Israel at "Point of No Return"

This is quite a remarkable article appearing in an Israeli newspaper. Keep in mind what I have written about February 14,…

Israelis increasingly isolated The Israelis snubbed Vice President Biden on his recent trip to Israel, by announcing 1600 new Jewish housing units in East…

U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran As in 1973, the U.S. may be forced to assist the Israelis, because if the Israelis ever come…

Why Peace in Palestine is Impossible

Here is an article that gives some insight into the Orthodox Jewish mentality. It is the epitome of Old Covenant thought process. Christian Zionists especially ought to read this…

Iran Dumps the Dollar, switches to Euro On September 12, 2009 Iranian President Achmedinejad issued an edict to sell oil and do other business priced in euros…

Israeli sources talk about soon-coming attack on Iran

"We believe that Iran has the capacity and the delivery capability for nuclear weapons. They can proceed to production. We have got two months to act - before the end of 2009."…

Honor Killing--Testimony of a Young Girl

Some of you may not realize that Islam is a religious prison. Once a person is a Muslim, or converts to Islam, that person loses the freedom to leave it, on pain of death. Even…

Will the Israeli attack on Iran set off World War 3?

In any military attack, there are always unintended consequences. Even the best of war plans are scrapped as soon as the war begins. But if these reports are correct, it looks…

Possible Israeli Attack on Iran Soon?

"Israel has decided to go ahead. Taking into account political, geopolitical, military preparedness, and climatic conditions, there are two windows: between July 21 and 24 and…

25 Israeli Soldiers testify of War Crimes against Gaza

It appears that the Israeli government is losing the battle in trying to stifle and hide its war crimes in last year's attack on Gaza. For months, international groups have…

Ban Ki Moon Letter is a Fake

Well, it happened again. It appears that the Ban Ki Moon article about expelling Israel for war crimes is a fake. Sorry.

American October Deadline for Progress with Negotiations with Iran

It appears that the world may be relatively safe from an Israeli attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities. At least until October. That is the date that Washington has established…