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Well, once again the Iraqi parliament lives up to its reputation. Yesterday it was reported that they were going to meet and not adjourn until they had passed a budget. But they…

Mubarak goes into a coma If he represents Pharaoh, it seems likely that he will not leave the country, but will die at the Red Sea.

More on Mubarak and Maliki

The rapid developments in Egypt have injected a new urgency to the final formation of the government of Iraq. Demonstrations are planned on a large scale for February 25, and…

Mubarak falls 32 years after the Shah of Iran Mubarak himself flew to his isolated palace in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, 250 miles from the turmoil…

Mubarak goes to the Red Sea (and more)

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is reported to have left Cairo and has gone to the city of Sharm el-Sheik on the southern end of the Sinai Peninsula. It is near the place where…

Jews protest the Israeli State

Contrary to popular opinion, not all Jews are Zionists. Watch this protest and listen carefully to what they said when interviewed.

Egypt's Destiny is Good

In this season of a prophetic Passover, I believe that we are witnessing another overthrow of Egypt as in the days of Moses. I do not necessarily support the demonstrators, of…

Middle East Unrest worries the Israelis

"As Egypt goes, so goes the Middle East." With unrest and inevitable change in Egypt, the entire Middle East is shifting in a direction that we ought to watch and understand.…

Unrest in Egypt

The President of Tunisia was overthrown on Friday, January 14, 2011 after a month of riots that had begun in mid-December. At the same that the government of Tunisia fell,…

Iran is a Christian Nation--They just don't know it yet

King Nebuchadnezzar's conversion to Jesus Christ, the God of Daniel, set the precedent for the entire line of empires that were yet to come. Babylon was the "head of gold" (Dan.…

Maliki Government approved by Iraqi Parliament It's now official. The Parliament has approved the new government, though only 29…

Iraqi Government presented today, vote set for tomorrow

Will Abdul-Mahdi be the next Iraqi PM?

The latest report seems to indicate that Maliki is not going to continue as Prime Minister of Iraq. I don't know how true this report is, but it may indicate a new goverment to…

Iraq could form government within days News reports indicate that Prime…

Important Interview with Iraqi President Notice in this interview the concern with Iraq being released by the UN Security Council from Chapter VII bankruptcy,…

Formation of a New Government Granted (Iraq) Everyone knows…

Three US Aircraft Carrier Groups now surrounding Iran Looks like things are heating up. Is this a very expensive bluff or the real thing?

Preparations for War with Iran

Last week a dozen US ships, along with an Israeli warship and a German warship, sailed through the Suez Canal and are now positioned in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Iran. The…

The US-Israeli alliance still strong

There is a propaganda war going on. One side insists President Obama is a Muslim who is working against the Israelis. Obama denies it. The bottom line is always to watch what…