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5-Minute Seymour Hersh Video on Covert Operations in Iran

Congress just approved $400 million earmarked for covert military operations inside Iran to destabilize the country and undermine it in any way possible. This is essentially an…

Israeli Fighter Jets Using US Airbases in Iraq

It is being reported that in the past month Israeli military fighters are being allowed access to U.S. facilities in Iraq. It is assumed that they are there to prepare for an…

Another Step Toward War with Iran

Last month the Israelis conducted war games in the Mediterranean that were seen by experts as a practice war with Iran. This came on the heels of an Israeli cabinet minister's…

Israeli Troops Kill U.N. Worker in Gaza Revelation 17 speaks of the "great whore" riding a beast. At…

John Bolton Talks About Israeli Attack on Iran

John Bolton used to be the UN Ambassador in the Bush administration. He is in a position to know a lot about the thinking of President Bush. Secondly, he is also on the list of…

U.S. Naval Blockade of Iran

Guess who's pushing for war with Iran? The most powerful lobby in America. You don't suppose they might have a foreign nation's interests at heart, do you?…

Israelis Practice for Attack on Iran

This article speaks for itself. If the Israelis actually do attack Iran, expect to see oil prices double rather quickly, since Iran supplies the world with a lot of oil, and this…

Israeli Plans to Bomb Iran

It appears that the Israelis believe that a bombing raid against Iran is only a matter of time. They still seem to be hoping that President Bush will do this for them, but they…

Article: America Preparing for War with Iran

Another Israeli War Brewing

It appears that there is another war brewing, this time between the Israelis and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. US warships have moved close to Lebanon, as they expect Hezbollah in…

Israelis Oppose their Government Policy on the Demolition of Palestinian Homes and Land Theft

Here is an interesting link to an Israeli web site, speaking the truth that few Christians want to hear. I would imagine that their fellow Jews would call these people…

Israel's Dimona Reactor Cracking and Ready to Melt Down?

Here is an interesting report about the Israeli nuclear reactor whose existence their government will neither confirm nor deny. I believe that the Isaiah 29:1-7 prophesies a…

Israeli Knesset Votes to Annex East Jerusalem

On November 14 the Israeli parliament voted to seize East Jerusalem. This is not a final vote, but it could be the beginning of a final seizure of the city from the Palestinians…

Israeli Settlers Unlawfully Make War on Trees

One of the laws of war in Deut. 20:19, 20 states that Israel was not allowed to cut down fruit-bearing trees in their wars with their enemies. They were only allowed to cut down…

The Eve of Destruction?

"The Middle East today is like Europe on the eve of the Great War of 1914-18. It needs only a spark to set the whole region on fire." So says a Middle East observer to…

Former Rep. Paul Findley Speaks Out on the True Causes of the Middle East War

Former Representative Paul Findley of Illinois writes a very important article as few would dare to put into print: "High Cost of Subservience to Israel." It is dated June 11,…

Israeli Law Permits Torture of Palestinians

An Israeli news article tells us, "Today in Israel, there is no effective barrier--not legal and certainly not ethical--that stands in the way of using torture. A secret…

Inching Toward War with Iran

The United States government knows that Iran is nowhere near having nuclear capability yet, for they are just now building centrifuges that would produce nuclear fuel for peaceful…

Israeli Nuclear Attack Planned

The blogosphere has been jammed lately with the latest report about the Israelis preparing a nuclear strike on Iran. This comes from an interview with an Israeli general. I'm not…

The Beast and the Harlot--A Rocky Relationship

Last September America was sending its warships and aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf as a show of strength for the benefit of Iran. At the time, Iran was also conducting…