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Financial and Family Problems in Robert Schuller's Family Business--the Megachurch

Robert Schuller, Sr. has had the largest following of any church in America. Two years ago his son was made the pastor, but he has since resigned--on Nov. 29, 2008. That…

Citibank to use a tourniquet to save its own life

Last week Citigroup split off Smith Barney, and now they have announced that Citigroup itself will split in two. This comes after Citigroup lost another $8.3 billion in the last…

Economic Predictions by Peter Schiff

Four years ago Peter Schiff was raining on the parade by warning people of the economic consequences of the housing bubble. "Experts" called him Dr. Doom. Few took him seriously.…

Remembering the Easy Economic Fixes back in 2007

Here's an interesting quote from an economist . . . It is now abundantly evident that the so-called "economic experts" were about three ants short of a picnic. At every step of…

Headline: CITI ON FIRE

Here's the latest prophetic headline that is of interest to us. Citi on Fire? Investors flee Vikram Pandit's megabank, fearing it may be in worse shape than ever.…

Is That Great Citi Beginning the Plunge?

Here is today's AOL news about Citibank, which I believe is the heart of financial Babylon and is the most important corporation representing Mystery Babylon. The headline reads,…

Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime

If you recall, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's problem with call girls was leaked to the press March 10, 2008. Why? I believe that the majority of our Congressmen and government…

Madoff Ponzi Scheme Revealed November 2005

Madoff Ponzi Scheme Revealed was originally in November 2005--Why did it take so long for the SEC to Know?

Why Do Stocks Rise on Bad News

The rise in the Dow in the midst of bad news makes no sense unless you understand the role of the so-called "Plunge Protection Team" established in 1988 by Executive Order under…

How is YOUR Bank Doing Financially?

Someone sent me this. If you click on the link, it will give a lengthy list of banks in the U.S. They are not listed alphabetically. The top of the list is the bank most…

Debt-Ridden Churches Facing Bankruptcy

Here is an article about foreclosures on churches. It shows a couple of things. First, I believe it is just the…

Daniel Carr Minting Ameros

Hal Turner thinks he has a genuine amero. It looks like someeone may have sent him one of Daniel Carr's creations. If so, they are not official currency, present or future.…

In Ponzi and Madoff We Trust

Here is an interesting article from Financial Sense about how the U.S. government itself is running the biggest Ponzi scheme of all. It confirms what I have been writing all along…

The Amero to Replace the Collapsing Dollar

In the past week the dollar has collapsed from $130 euros to $1.43. It has been going down about 3 cents a day this week. I don't suppose this is unprecedented for the dollar, but…

The Almighty Dollar Losing Ground

On Dec. 11, I wrote a blog about the falling dollar. I mentioned that the previous day (Dec. 10) it took $1.30 to buy one euro, and the next day it took $1.33 to buy a euro. That…

The Dollar Going Down Rapidly

The value of currencies bounce around, certainly, but a couple months ago it took about $1.26 to buy one euro. Last year, when the dollar dropped in value, it took $1.59 to buy a…

Further Clarification on Backwardation

I thought this further clarification from Bill would be of interest to the general audience . . . Stephen, I thought I should clarify what I sent to you in an email earlier…

The Coming Dollar Devaluation

In the good old days, the government paid investors interest to buy bonds. Yesterday, however, the investors paid the government for the privilege of buying Treasury bonds. This…

A Manipulative Solution to Gold Backwardation

I got this email from a regular reader, and I thought it was well worth posting. . . I know you and I read many of the same articles, the articles you posted today in your…

The Future of Paper Money Looks Dim

Prof. Antal E. Fekete of Gold Standard University is pointing out a new indication that the price of gold may begin to go back up, relative to paper dollars. Two articles are…