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Making Horse Sense of the Financial Crisis

Credit is said to be "frozen" these days, mostly because the banks do not trust each other. So no bank wants to loan money to another bank. This is because the bankers themselves…

Peter Schiff's Economic Crash Prediction in 2006

Here's a gloomy economic prediction in August of 2006 (over two years ago) during an interview of economist Peter Schiff. The moderator laughed at him and even made a one-penny…

CitiGroup's Real Situation

Yesterday, Martin Weiss wrote this about CitiGroup: Citigroup, the nation’s second largest banking conglomerate, is on the brink of failure. If it fails, it will be, by far,…

The Coming Dollar Collapse

Christopher Laird has written a very insightful article, "How To Survive the Coming Dollar Collapse." The problem has arisen…

Superficial and Root Problems Involving the Big 3 Auto Companies

The Big 3 auto executives seem to have lost favor with the image-conscious Congress. After all, how could they feasibly give taxpayer money to bonus-rich executives who each come…

Are Gold and Silver in Short Supply?

There are some who say that physical silver and gold are in short supply, and that it is quite possible that those who have bought futures will ask for delivery when their…

No More Shopping Till We Drop

Here is an article that raises some good questions: First he talks about how the parable of Golilocks was the…

Stock Brokers Think Hedge Funds are in Trouble

Today we saw more evidence of tremendous volatility on the stock market. Earlier this week the market was way down, then yesterday it shot up over 850 points in a few hours. Now…

Hedge Fund Meltdown May Soon Come

Sometimes it is difficult to separate the advertisement hype from actual reality, but here is what Mike Larson is saying about a deadline, November 17, 2008: Speaking at MIT,…

Another Strange 666 Coincidence on Nov. 5

A reader sent me an email to tell me this: "I find it such a coincidence that on Nov.5 the numbers 666 appeared in the retail store where I work, all day long. I would check…

Thursday is a Financial D-Day

Thursday is the Day of Atonement this year (Oct. 9). I have been interested in seeing what might happen on this day, since it is the second biblical feast day (after Trumpets),…

More Financial Turmoil

The way they talked, it seems now that everyone knew that the $700 billion bailout would not really work, but they did not know what else to do about the financial markets. The…

US Mint Suspends Gold Coin Sales

The U.S. Mint paid a certain price for gold in order to make gold coins to sell to dealers and the public. But with the recent manipulation sending gold prices crashing, the Mint…

Central Banks Propping up the Dollar

Economic analysis often makes no sense, because the true "fundamentals" of the economy so often run contrary to what actually occurs on Wall Street. Such phenomena can be…

The Financial Virus is Spreading

A month ago Denmark declared itself in a recession. There are indications that European countries are soon to follow America into recession. And now Australia has taken a large…

The Financial Tsunami This article draws a parallel between the Asian tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004 and the…

Lehman Brothers--The Next Financial Casualty?

Investors are rather skittish these days, because everyone knows you can't trust a company or the government to tell you the truth about their true state of affairs. Last…

Can the Fed avoid the consequences of $45 Trillion in default derivative swaps?

Jim Sinclair is a financial analyst who is concerned about the derivatives market. Most people do not even know what derivatives are, but that market is a huge casualty of the…

How Serious is the Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Problem?

Jim Sinclair answers this question. The derivatives total about $550 TRILLION worth that have yet to be unravelled. It's all theoretical money (on paper) until the unravelling…