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Exceptional Article Updating Silver, and Well-Deserved Praise for Ted Butler

Now that the price of silver has passed the $20/oz mark, I think it is appropriate that Jim Cook has written a great tribute to Ted Butler, who is certainly the most important…

Update on the Economy

I thought I would go back and check the web logs from a few months ago to see how the forecasts have actually turned out. I found my web log from October 2, 2007 called "The…

The Failing Economy: The Second Stage of Divine Judgment

For many years intercessors stood in the gap in order to give America more time to repent. But finally in the 1990's the judgment was set. This simply meant that we had arrived at…

New Financial Blog by Robert Henley

Some of you might be interested in keeping up with a weekly biblical/financial blog that has been started recently by Robert Henley of Oklahoma. Robert was one of the speakers at…

Economic News

Last month I mentioned how the drop in interest rates would help the economy in one way but would also have some negative side effects--such as a drop in the value of the dollar.…

The Collapsing Dollar (News Article)

The Saudi government and the Middle East in general are quite concerned over the declining value of their bonds and dollars which they hold. Last May Kuwait became the first…

The Dollar Meltdown

When President Bush took office seven years ago, it cost just 87 cents (US) to buy one Euro. Now it takes about $1.42 to purchase one Euro. This is a currency meltdown of huge…

The World Financial Crisis

As many of you may have heard on the news, this past week the financial markets took a serious jolt and had to be bailed out by the central banks of Europe, the Federal Reserve in…

How People Manipulate the Stock Market Legally

Here is an amazing admission from Jim Cramer about how the stocks can be manipulated with only a few million dollars. He knows, because he freely admits how he does it and tells…

About Angels

Angels are messengers of God. They can be spiritual beings such as Daniel describes in Daniel 10:5, 6, with supernatural manifestations. They can be spiritual beings that seem…

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