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Analysis of Lord Blackheath's speech For those of you who want to see a closer analysis of this Feb. 16th speech, here is a…

New world court at the Hague set up to deal with global financial disputes I suspect that this is the court that will try the cases brought…

European debt crisis update

It has been awhile since I commented on the economic situation in Europe. Greece, in particular. Negotiations have broken down between the Greek government and its creditors.…

The Financial Crisis and God's Solution

Remember all of those people, including government economic advisors and the president himself, who assured us two years ago that the recession was over and that things have…

My thoughts for the day

It seems logical that if our families have to balance our budgets and live within our means, then the government ought to do the same. The problem is that we do not function on…

Debt Crisis Solutions by Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum

The current discussions over the debt crisis are certainly heated, but neither side is addressing the real causes of the debt itself, which has now reached crisis proportions.…

Looking back at past financial warnings validated by subsequent events

I was looking back at my "financial" blogs from past years, because I was curious to know what the track record was. I took note that in 2008 I was posting articles warning of…

Euro Alert--24 hours to resolve the Greek crisis

Every year we hear the same story. Recovery is just around the corner. We've bottomed out. The recovery is going slower than expected, but there is no reason to panic. All of this…

The European Financial Crisis

Europe is near a steep precipice right now with the revolt of the Greeks against the banking system. It appears that the most important watch date is this Sunday, June 19.…

Asia News article on Silver market The article concludes this way: "Today, the situation of silver…

How the Comex crashed silver "By the close of trading on Wednesday, May 4th, the silver market had experienced significant…

Silver backs off from $50

On April 25 I wrote an article about the price of silver and its prophetic significance. In my view, the day silver closes at $50 or above will mark the overthrow of Babylon's…

The reason for silver's rise This illustrates that the COMEX is now just a sideshow. A lot of people…

Silver Price nearly hits $50 on Monday NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Silver prices have doubled during the past six months, and are now within…

Silver Manipulation about to implode?

Here is an article about the great silver manipulation and how JP Morgan has shorted the market by an estimated 3.3 billion ounces. It was written back in December when the price…

Silver as a Prophetic Barometer

Just a quick thought before we get on the road. . . We know from Daniel 2 that the arms of silver conquer the head of gold. While this prophecy deals primarily with nations, it…

World Financial Crisis caused by the Quake in Japan

Here are a few statements taken from Jim Willie's latest financial article, commenting on the world-wide economic effects of the Japanese quake and tsunami. To read the full…

The World needs $100 Trillion

If you think that figures like $60 Trillion is more money than has ever existed in world history, take a look at this article. It says that the world needs $100 Trillion to…

The CFTC finally acknowledges that the price of silver has been manipulated "The silver markets have been under investigation for the past three…