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More New Currency Examples On the new $1 bill, the "all-seeing eye" is in the base of the pyramid, rather than above the pyramid (as in our…

Redesigning the Dollar Update

I received an update from the Mammonator (Mammon Terminator) in regard to the second posting of the redesigned dollar (Jan. 13 blog). This is the link to the design in question:…

Viewing the World Economy Honestly and with Practicality

Let us suppose that Zimbabwe had a stock exchange and that its level two years ago was 1,000. Then inflation went through the roof, and it took a trillion Zimbabwe dollars to…

The Underlying Financial Problem The problem in the banking industry that few people talk about is that they are way over their heads in…

Dubai Defaults, sends markets reeling

Remember back in 1998 when Russia defaulted on its debts? It brought down Long Term Capital Management, the American hedge fund, and Alan Greenspan had to jump to save the…

Second Wave of the Financial Tsunami

For those of you interested in obtaining some insight not in what is coming, but also the way we got here in the past few years, this is an excellent summary of the situation.…

Watch Date Update

Well, in spite of government manipulation of the numbers, the unemployment rate for October zoomed past 10% and hit an unexpected 10.2%.…

Financial Watch Dates

It appears that the Nov. 1, 2009 bankruptcy of CIT is just the beginning of something much bigger. Especially since it came on the heels of Capmark (formerly GMAC) on Oct. 26.…

The Economy on Life Support

Indulge me for a moment. The "stimulus" bills are drugs to the economy. Call them "uppers." As long as the government injects the economy, there is a response in the body. But…

Consumers Cut Borrowing by $12 Billion in August The average person does not really understand the implications of this headline. It sounds good…

Secret Meeting Held to Dump Petro-Dollar In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are…

Money and Trade 101

Since last March the US economy has been on the rise. This is the result of a number of factors. In part, the "stimulus" money has been flowing rather freely. Secondly, the dollar…

Financial Collapse Begins September 30?

A reader pointed out a blog written by Benjamin Fulford predicting financial collapse to begin on September 30, the end of America's fiscal year when certain rules are supposed to…

A Global Shift is coming

You may recall that we will be having a day of prayer on the Day of Atonement, September 28, to declare a Jubilee. I found this article that tells us something about Chinese bonds…

A Renewed Financial Crisis Looming

On March 16, 2009 China began a financial policy with a six-month transition to Sept. 15, when Chinese companies will be allowed by the government to default or renege on paying…

Idiot's Guide to the Banking Bailout

This is one of the best short explanations and illustrations of the recent bank bailouts and why the Fed did not want to be transparent as to who was getting the money. Now that…

Govt always underestimates bad news

Government loves to fudge its figures, playing little games with the American species (americanus boobus). Unemployment figures are manipulated by including only those who collect…

Update on Financial Crisis

In spite of the positive rhetoric by wishful thinkers, the state of the economy is still declining. The only good sign is that a number of people have been fooled into investing…

China trying to spend dollars while still worth something China has been quietly purchasing a lot of gold lately, and one particular deal has…

New World Currency Coming? Here's the Coin

The President of Russia showed off a new coin to make the point that there is a new world currency coming, which is supposed to be the solution to the present currency crisis.…