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Collapse of Deutsche Bank imminent?

It is looking more and more like Deutsche Bank is going to be the criminal bank that brings down the banking system of Mystery Babylon. When the financial report came out last…

The current bank crisis

Last month I reported how the banks were having a liquidity shortage and how the Federal Reserve was stepping in to give $75 billion per night in overnight loans. Those loans were…

Bank bailouts will continue until October 10 New York (AFP) - The New York Federal Reserve Bank said Friday it…

Fed bailout continues for the fourth day

Call it QE4 (Quantitative Easing), if you will. The Fed is creating $75 billion per day to keep the bank liquid and to prevent a 2008-style meltdown. This shows how precarious the…

Fed News

The DOJ’s indictment of key bankers in JPMorgan appears to be just the start of a general takedown of the criminal banking system that has functioned with immunity for a century.…

Nearing the end of a 5-year delay?

Here is an article dated October 24, 2014, nearly five years ago. I wonder if they are still on schedule.…

Financial and Government news

I wrote yesterday about the Plunge Protection Team, referenced publicly by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Here is a short article about this, including Mnuchin’s full text.…

A change of money

When the Federal Reserve Bank was chartered in 1914 following the Federal Reserve Act in December of 1913, Congress gave up its power to create money and gave it to “the experts,”…

Big banks being exposed

In 1971 President Nixon announced wage and price controls. It was not long before store shelves were empty, and no one wanted to sell their produce at those frozen prices.…

Trump poised to take over Federal Reserve The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is required to have seven members. It…

Is another bank crisis coming?

I have been watching the news in the past few months about the rapid decline of Deutsche Bank in Germany. The bank’s stock has fallen by a third this year, and last month the S&P…

US Treasury announces it is now Basel III compliant

At last! We are just about the last country to comply with the new banking rules concerning how much cash reserves that banks must retain in case of bank runs and financial…

Central banks propping up the stock markets since 2008

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and market crash, most ordinary people have gotten out of the stock market and refuse to buy stocks. So the central banks have come to the…

Finally, the first gold and silver price manipulator is sentenced since 1980 The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today issued an Order filing and settling charges…

June 2 watch date--What happened?

June 2 has been on our radar since late March. We understood that it would have financial implications. This is what happened.…

Puerto Rico files for bankruptcy

Puerto Rico is the home address for both THE UNITED STATES, INC and the IRS. Its Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing on May 3, 2017 might have huge legal implications for modern Babylon.…

The case against the Bank of Canada

Here is an interesting interview with Rocco Galati, a lawyer who is suing the Bank of Canada for giving away its economic sovereignty in 1974 and refusing to abide by its charter,…

The coming debt Jubilee

I found this article very interesting, because it is another indication how the term “Jubilee” is now becoming more mainstream than ever. This is an article from the Business…

SDR's, the world currency of the future

The latest G-20 meeting took place in China last week end. This location was significant, because China’s yuan is to become one of the world reserve currencies on October 1, 2016.…

Deutsche bank prepares for bankruptcy

As we approach the eighth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers (September 9-15, 2008), we are now likely to see a repeat performance in 2016, this time in Europe.…

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