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The Cyprus bailout includes bank robbery

We knew for many months that Cyprus (like Greece) was in big economic trouble and would soon be in need of a bailout or a Jubilee. It seems that they have chosen the bailout…

Tens of thousands of bankers laid off in City of London

This is actually news from October 30, 2012, which was at the start of our Cosmic prayer campaign. However, this article is from January 18, 2013.…

Iceland's president interviewed at Davos conference

Here is a short 3-minute video interviewing Iceland's president, where they ask him the secret of his country's financial success.…

World currency wars have begun Yesterday “will go down as the first day European policy makers fired…

IMF considers abolishing the Federal Reserve System

Last August the IMF web site put out an article discussing the revival of the so-called “Chicago Plan,” which was proposed in the 1930’s in the wake of the Great Depression. This…

Oops! Hurricane Sandy may have uncovered untaxed loot hidden by the big banks

It appears that Hurricane Sandy has uncovered--and perhaps destroyed--billions of dollars worth of hidden, untaxed assets held at the DTCC on behalf of some of the biggest banks.…

The Beginning of the end of silver manipulation? The CFTC today set limits on how much any one person may buy or sell in the silver market. The purpose of this rule is to…

Gold Wars

Nations have always coveted the wealth of other nations and have sought ways to steal it for themselves. When Hezekiah showed off the gold in the temple, the Babylonians soon came…

The Banksia Financial Group collapse

Some folks in Australia are feeling the pain of losing their investment. They all thought they were safe, because the auditors had just given the company "a clean bill of health"…

US sanctions push Iran into a gold standard

The overuse and misuse of sanctions have been eroding their effectiveness for a long time. So called "non-aligned nations" are steadily setting up their own trading systems that…

Government sues Bank of America for $1 bn over mortgage frauds Federal prosecutors sued Bank of America for $1 billion on Wednesday, alleging that the…

JP Morgan losing the silver war

Bix Weir writes: The long awaited finale of the silver manipulation is upon us. JP Morgan has doubled their naked short position in the past few months in order to STOP the…

Silver news

With the recent spike in the price of silver from $27 to $35 per ounce, I wondered when the cartel, led by JP Morgan, would retaliate. It seems that when the Asian markets opened…

The five biggest US banks preparing to go out of business (Reuters) - Five of the biggest banks in the United States are putting finishing…

Watch the Dollar The Dollar has rallied support…

Maliki survives no-confidence move Baghdad (NINA) – The President's Office affirmed that quorum to withdraw confidence from Prime Minister Nuri…

Spain asks for $100 billion bailout "BRUSSELS/MADRID, June 9 (Reuters) - Euro zone finance ministers agreed on Saturday to lend…

The solution to the economic controversy between stimulus and austerity

There is a running debate today among those who believe in government "stimulus spending" and those who believe in "austerity." Neither is the real solution, although both have…

New 2012 Israeli coin--Jonah in the whale

This is the 2012 "Coin of the Year." I had not seen it until now, but it depicts Jonah praying in the belly of the whale. It is actually a 3-coin set.…