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Silver sales in Mexico go through the roof

Sales of silver coins in Mexico have skyrocketed in April. Look at the sales figures in the first four months of 2013: January: 46,714 oz. February: 82,634 oz. March:…

Canadian banks prepare for Cyprus solution Buried deep in last month's federal budget is an ambiguously worded section that has…

Reuters--US Mint runs out of gold and silver

With the huge drop in the price of gold and silver, one would think that there would be PANIC SELLING. Instead, Reuters is reporting PANIC BUYING. Take that, JPMorgan. And…

Has the endgame begun?

The recent drop in silver and gold prices have resulted in a tremendous increase in demand for physical metal. Under normal circumstances, high demand would bring higher prices,…

The Silver Empire strikes back

Here is a 6-minute video showing a plan to strike back at the silver manipulators for what they did on May 1, 2011. It is a call for everyone to buy physical silver on May 1, 2013…

The Silver Shortage

The recent plunge in silver prices seems to be causing a rift between the spot price of silver and the actual price of physical silver. Even though the spot price plunged Friday…

The Last Great Gold-Silver Slam

Last Thursday someone put out a fake report that Cyprus was about to sell its gold to pay off debts, worth about 563 million euros.…

It's the Economy, Stupid - Live with Bob Henley

Posting made by Thom Mills of the It's the Economy, Stupid - Live with Bob Henley We know it's short notice, but this is your invite to join Bob…

Australia and China announce direct currency ties

The "world currency" is fast becoming only a regional currency. The dollar has been used since 1944 to make payments between countries in world trade, and with each transaction,…

Big economic changes happening

It appears that the world has just seen another large financial earthquake. Yesterday Japan announced that it will begin a new, greatly enhanced program of quantitative easing…

Did money leave Cyprus banks while they were closed?

It is now being reported that while the banks in Cyprus were closed and funds supposedly "frozen," some were able to get out their money and wire it to foreign banks.…

Spanish bank for sale, free with zero down

With all eyes on Cyprus, many have missed the news about Spain and its banks. After asking for a bailout, Spain had to nationalize its bankrupt banks and take responsibility for…

New monetary controls in Cyprus Laiki, or Cyprus Popular Bank, is to be closed. Its €4.2bn in deposits over €100,000 will be…

The Cyprus decision BRUSSELS, March 25 (Reuters) - Cyprus clinched a last-ditch deal with international…

Will panic begin Monday or Tuesday?

The IMF's theft of Russian money seems to be getting a strong reaction, if the report (below) is true. Russia appears to be taking the IMF action personally as a declaration of…

Cyprus banks may collapse on Monday

Here is a good article that confirms what I have been writing all week. The only positive thing about this is that we in America will not be the first ones to be hit. Whatever…

Cyprus bank cartoon reveals truth

Remember the good old days when men robbed banks?

Interesting letter from Cyprus

This letter was written to Bix Weir, who has been advising people for years about the coming banking collapse, and how people ought to buy silver with their extra cash, rather…

Article recommends Jubilee for Cyprus

James Hall speaks on the BATR Forum about a Jubilee. The law of God is looking better daily, as Babylon's laws are exposed as debt, slavery, and oppression.…

Cyprus bailout bill fails, but the consequences continue

Last Saturday the announcement was made in Cyprus that people's savings would be taxed before the banks opened on Tuesday. The tax was supposed to be effective on Monday, March…