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China puts gold into the hands of citizenry

Remember when Dubai began selling gold coins from ATM machines? Now…

JP Morgan, alias, The Morgue, caught manipulating commodity markets

Bart Chilton is the commissioner of the CFTC, the Commodities Futures Trade Commission, which regulates the sale of gold and silver markets. The CFTC is supposed to prevent market…

Whistleblower from the World Bank reveals little-known secrets

I have listened to Karen Hudes for some time now. I think it is worth you time to see what she has to say. Here is an article about her, with a video interview at the bottom of…

Larry Summers and the secret end-game memo

Here is an interesting article from Greg Palast showing how the recent economic crisis was caused by Clinton's Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and his side-kick, Larry Summers.…

As interest rates rise, Fed goes broke

Fox Business News has an article showing the effect of the recent rise in interest rates. Recall that interest rates have risen by 1% in the past two months. That does not sound…

Jim Willie says, Three large banks near collapse

The gold and silver markets are coming apart from the severe shortage of metal, compounded by the overblown paper market. Economist Jim Willie tells us that his contact in the…

What about July 9?

In 2010-2011, the nations agreed to take steps to prevent a bank meltdown in an agreement known as Basel III. On July 2, 2013 Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke announced the…

Two simple economic factors to watch

As we watch for signs of the times, there are two economic factors to monitor. These two things will have a very large impact on America's economy. The first is the Eurozone's…

Look what happened last week

I recommend checking out Robert Henley’s blogs to keep on economic matters. On June 28, 2013 he reported on the way gold and silver prices are being slammed…. “Both gold and…

Silver and gold prices driven down by the CME with increased margin requirements

"Nobody wants to own gold anymore," Frank McGhee, the head dealer at Integrated Brokerage Services LLC in Chicago, said in a telephone interview. "We're getting a continuous…

Stock market warning

HEADLINE: Whenever Margin Debt Goes Over 2.25% Of GDP The Stock Market Always Crashes What do 1929, 2000 and 2007 all have in common? Those were all years in which we saw a…

Mystery Babylon is about to get stoned with BRICS

Here is an interesting article that supports the idea that Russia and China have allied to become the new "kings of the east" from Revelation 16 in the overthrow of Mystery…

India imports 97 tons of gold in April

India's trade deficit increased quite a bit in April, as Indians took advantage of the low gold prices. Gold imports increased from $3.1 billion in March to $7.5 billion in April.…

A speech by Warren Buffet's father in 1948

Bix Weir sent the link to this speech by Congressman Howard Buffet of Nebraska. Buffet comments on the situation back in 1948, which was 15 years after gold was taken from the…

US Mint limits purchases of new silver coin

The US Mint has come out with a new 5 oz. silver coin. But even before sales begin on May 13, the demand already exceeds supply. So the Mint is rationing their sales.…

Euro founder calls for break up of Euro

The European Union seems to be in a serious crisis once again, as they try to figure out how to cope with the problems in southern Europe..…

Economist Jim Willie explains the mid-April selloff in gold and silver

Jim Willie writes this: Ambush of the gold market in mid-April, reported as a massive selloff: The gold market selloff was as shocking an event as it was pathetic. It was as…

Silver paper buyers are fleeing

Today the spot price for silver and gold paper is dropping once again. This is not surprising, since fewer and fewer people are willing to purchase paper. Most of the buying is in…

Silver shortage report from Australia

I received this email from a friend in Australia, who has some information regarding the silver shortage in that country. Australia is supposed to be a major mining country, but…

National Silver Shortage Day, May 1, 2013

Bix Weir has been pushing for people to buy at least one ounce of silver on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. The idea is to break the power of the big banks who have been cooperating with…