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New Zealand trip report, part 2

On February 15, 2 we flew from Auckland to Christchurch on the south island of New Zealand. Our friend Neal picked us up at the airport. It was good to see Neal and Denise…

New Zealand trip report, part 1

We left Minneapolis in the afternoon of January 30, 2018 and arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on the morning of February 1st, having skipped a day by crossing the International…

Home again

We arrived home late last night about 10 pm, February 23. We will probably feel some jet lag until Monday. As you probably know already, our American Airlines plane from…

Cambodia Trip Report, Final

After supplying three rural primary school children with books, uniforms, and other supplies, we drove to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia and spent the night in a hotel.…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 6

On November 17, 2017, the day after Setra’s engagement ceremony, we loaded up the car and drove about 2 hours to the middle of a rice paddy region to give poor school children…

New Zealand schedule, February 2018

Darla and I will be traveling to New Zealand in February and will be staying for about 3 weeks, visiting and teaching in various locations. Here is my schedule and contact…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 5

On November 14, while we were staying in Battambang, S---- and his fiancé took us to a nearby mountain that had been one of the prominent places in the killing fields. We had to…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 4

The killing field site which I wrote about yesterday was near Battambang, the city where S----’s fiancé (“D”) lives. I will refer to her as “D” because the humanitarian work that…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 3

Each time we prayed at site, S---- felt a release take place in the atmosphere over the place. S---- was well trained in a special form of martial arts known only to a few in the…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 2

After spending some time at Angkor Wat, we moved on to see other ancient sites in the area. We were taken to this old castle, but were not led to take communion there, as this…

Cambodia Trip Report, Part 1

Brad and I left Davao City in the evening of Friday, November 10, flying to Manila, where we spent the night at another Red Planet hotel. The next morning we got up early and took…

Philippine Trip Report, Part 3

Here are some pictures from Brad’s cell phone camera, which should be included in the Philippine trip report. Above are pictures of the main conference room…

Philippine Trip Report, Part 2

The week of Monday, October 30 to Saturday, November 4, 2017 I taught the deeper things of God nightly in Pastor Sammy’s church, building upon the foundation of our identity in…

Philippine Trip Report, Part 1

The Open Door Ministry, which was prophesied three decades ago, was launched at our Tabernacles conference, October 15, 2017. Our first Open Door journey took place when Brad…

Good trip to Peru

We got back last night from our trip to Peru, Indiana. The reality of winter has come upon us, making us look forward to going to New Zealand in February. In years past I tried to…

Home again

I got home last night from my month-long trip to the Philippines and Cambodia. The trip went very well, and I took many pictures. I plan to give you a detailed series of trip…

Mission Trips and More

The Tabernacles conference in Cloquet last week launched the Open Door Ministry, and so tomorrow Brad and I are heading to the Philippines and to Cambodia for the next month.…

Week end travel plans

I will be out of town from Friday to Sunday, as I have to go to Green Bay, Wisconsin for some meetings. My sons will be here to pick up mail and to fill orders. Monday I will…

Out of Town--No Blogs

I will be out of town this week and into next week. I do not expect to have time to write any weblogs or answer emails during this time. You can use this time to catch up on your…

Short video of Vinnie's New York trip

Brother Vinnie took a month-long evangelistic trip to New York City in June to take the gospel of the Kingdom to the streets. His daughter put together an 8-minute video of the…