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Fishing Trip Report

We got back from our vacation fishing trip last night. Being 1800 emails behind, I should let you know that if I don't get to answer your email, please don't take it personally. I…

A Delay in sending out the Apostles

We got back this afternoon from our little vacation trip to the Apostle Islands. It is now plain that the Lord sent us there to get some revelation. The Apostle Islands had…

Trip Report

Yesterday morning we were led to pray for the protection of the overcomers. This was a few hours before the tornadoes struck Joplin and other places. A tornado also hit…

I am on the road again

I am heading toward Pensacola to meet with Brother Vinnie's house church. First meeting is Saturday evening. We plan to meet for four evenings Saturday through Tuesday eve. If you…

First Day Report

Our first day of meetings in San Francisco have gone very well. The first meeting started shortly after the tsunami from Japan came ashore at San Francisco. On the coast at nearby…

Trip Update

I spent 4 days in Pensacola from Sunday through Wednesday, with meetings each night until 10:00 p.m. and further discussions until midnight and even to 1:00 a.m. Along with that,…

On the Road Again

We are leaving on a two-week road trip to the Southeast, going to Pensacola, FL for some meetings at brother Vinnie Imperial's "Firehouse Church." (It is a home church.) I have…

Mission Accomplished

I have completed my mission and will be returning home today. The teaching part went very well, but as so often happens, the Father also had some spiritual warfare to accomplish.…

Headwaters Trip Report

The trip to the headwaters of the Mississippi River went about as planned. We did get there a little late, as it always takes longer when dealing with a whole group of people.…

Green Bay Trip Report

We had excellent meetings in Green Bay this past week end, covering prayer, intercession, and spiritual warfare. It was good to meet some new people and to visit with those we had…

Back Again

We returned from a great family vacation last evening. I don't know if I will be able to write a web log today, since the office work has piled up in my absence. All is well.

Vacation Time

I'll be going on a trip for the next week, beginning Tuesday the 11th. This will not be for meetings or conferences, but rather to attend our oldest granddaughter's high school…

Claiming Spiritual Dominion over the American Rome

The Joseph Conference in San Jose, CA went smoothly with over 100 people in attendance. In one meeting we counted 98 people, but not all attended every meeting. The only glitch…

The Pensacola Trip Report

My friend Phil and I just returned from Pensacola last evening. Since Darla was unable to accompany me, it was good to have Phil along. This felt like the Stephen and Philip in…

Texas Trip Report

I have been in Texas this past week end for the conference. It went very well, with over 100 in attendance. After this, we made a trip south of Dallas for a day and then yesterday…

Trip Report

Last night we finally returned home from our trip to Sweetwater. In the past two weeks we traveled 3,000 miles and were in 13 states. It took a bit longer to get home than I had…

Temple Vessels Filled

Last evening I attended a home meeting in Pensacola, Florida, where the pastor's message was based upon 2 Kings 4:1-7. It is the story of the widow woman whose sons were about to…

On the Road Again

As most of you know, I will be in Sweetwater, TN for a Tabernacles conference that begins a week from today. I am already on the road, so I will not be able to do weblogs every…

The Columbia River Work

In an earlier report I mentioned that our car died in Montana and that we were in Billings, waiting for a computer part to arrive. It did not arrive when it was supposed to, so we…

Trip Update

I just wanted to check in and let you know that all is well, and that we are "on schedule" in every way. Given the work done in my last report, we encountered usual spiritual…