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Vacation trip and the divine court case

We are back from our vacation. As usual, it turned out to be more of a working vacation, but now and then our heavenly Father did give us some time off to be tourists. Ten of…

Going on vacation

We will be leaving tomorrow, Friday morning, and will be out of the state for about 10 days. The place we are going may have limited internet access, or perhaps not at all.…

Our side adventure after Pentecost

Many of you know that Texas had some dangerous storms the day after Pentecost. They had more than 3 weeks of heavy rain before Pentecost, which saturated the ground, filled the…

Holland Trip Report, part 1

This is part 1 of the trip report, showing the people that we met. Part 2 will show more of the country itself and some of the things that we did while we were there. Darla and…

A Great Light is Coming

We are back from a wonderful ministry trip to Holland. We arrived home yesterday afternoon and went to bed at 8 pm local time, or 3 a.m. Holland time. I will try to give a…

Gone to Holland

In a few hours we will be getting on the plane to Holland. Many of you can now go back and read some of the books that you never had time to read previously. Chances are that if…

Doors are Opening

Some months ago the two 76-day cycles of cleansing began on Nov. 14, 2014. The difference between this year and past years is that these cleansing cycles now lead us to the start…

Trip report

I will be out of town from December 3-11, holding various house meetings and a wedding. I probably will not be able to post much, if anything, during this time, as my schedule is…

New Zealand-Australia trip report

We just returned from a wonderful teaching tour that took us to the north island of New Zealand and then to Brisbane, Australia (and surrounding areas). We left Minneapolis on…

Update from Dr. Jones

We received an email from Dr. Jones today communicating the following: Just wanted to let you know that we had very good meetings last week end in Brisbane with about 45…

Trip to New Zealand and Australia

Tomorrow, July 1, Darla and I will be flying to New Zealand for meetings and fellowship for the next week. On July 10 we will be flying from New Zealand to Brisbane, Australia…

Ministry trip in July

Darla and I will be traveling to Auckland, New Zealand and in Brisbane, Australia (and surrounding areas) in July. We will fly out on July 1st to Auckland for meetings there,…

Recognizing and Naming Jubilee

About a month ago Darla and I watched the movie, Heaven is for Real. We had already read the book in the past year or two and found it quite interesting. It was about a…

Travel Schedule

I will be traveling to Dallas and back from June 2 until about June 10 or 11. I am scheduled to speak at the online Pentecost conference that will be broadcast from…

The path I took

I was raised in a Christian Zionist denomination that taught me to believe that there was a chosen Jewish race. I believed that this Jewish race was the purest race in the world.…

Pictures from the Philippines

Last November Darla and I went to the Philippines on a mission trip. We arrived in Manila on November 6, 2013 and then flew to Davao City on the southern coast of Mindanao the…

Prophetic Updates and Trip Report

We arrived home on New Year's Eve. I did not mean to be mysterious about this trip, but since my entire family was going to be gone, I did not want to advertise to potential…

Gone out of town

I will be out of town for the next ten days on a special mission. It is doubtful if I will be able to post any weblogs during this time. Please don't take this as evidence of my…

The latest news

Paul Crouch founded TBN forty years ago in 1973. It is the largest Christian television network. Is this perhaps a microcosm of the Church coming out of the wilderness after forty…

The meaning and purpose of super-typhoon Haiyan in the divine plan, Part 2

The Philippines has a unique calling which I used to believe had been given to our own nation, the USA. But God did not consult me before devising His plan, and only recently has…