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The meaning and purpose of super-typhoon Haiyan in the divine plan, Part 1

The revelation continues to unfold daily in regard to the importance of the Philippines in the divine plan and its relationship to the “kings of the east” (Revelation 16:12), whom…

Early Philippine Trip Report and vision for the future

We left the Manila airport at 7:40 a.m. Monday and arrived in Minneapolis about 1:30 p.m. the same day, due to crossing the International Date Line somewhere over the Pacific…

Philippines Update

We have received great news from Dr. Jones that he and Darla are doing well and all is going according to schedule. They are still on track to return Monday the 18th. We know…

News From The Philippines

There is great news from the Philippines. We heard from Dr. Jones this morning letting us know that all is well with He and Darla in the Philippines. Following are the two…

Final preparations for the trip

We are making last-minute preparations for our trip to the Philippines, as we are scheduled to leave Tuesday morning. My three sons will take care of all matters on the home…

Revelation and Preparation for the Philippine Trip

The past few days have produced a significant amount of revelation, showing the importance of the upcoming trip to the Philippines. Some portions will have to wait until…

Philippines Trip - Pictures

On May 21, 2013 I began my trip to the Philippines via San Francisco, California and Taipei, Taiwan. The flight across the Pacific took over 13 hours and was the most grueling…

Greetings from Mindanao

I am in Mindanao, Philippines and am scheduled to teach tonight and tomorrow night at a Pastors Conference near the city of General Santos. My friend David preached last night,…

Philippine Trip coming soon

I am scheduled to go to the Philippines from May 20 to June 4 to teach the Word in two churches (two towns on Mindanao). As usual, my family will continue the work while I am…

Trip Report and Watch Dates

We arrived home last night after being out of state for two weeks. We first celebrated Thanksgiving with our two oldest daughters and their children in northern Arkansas. Then we…

On the road again

We are on the road again, traveling south to visit family for Thanksgiving. From there we will be going to Baton Rouge, LA for meetings Sunday and Monday, and then heading to…

Bemidji Trip Report--September 11, 2012

On Monday, September 11, 2012, seven of us drove to various parts of the city of Bemidji, Minnesota, to pray, read Scripture, and decree as we were led. The purpose of this trip…

Return from trip

We have been out of state this week end. Just returned at 4:30 p.m. and will be back to the office on Tuesday.

A busy day in the Kingdom

Today I was in St. Paul, MN with two other men, as we were called to go to four specific locations to declare the word of the Lord. We were also called to answer and refute some…


I have been away from internet connections for the past week, for one reason or another. I am still out of state and have been visiting various friends, some who date back to…

On the road

I am currently travelling out of state. I will try to post weblogs as I can.

On the road

We are on the road, heading for Manassas, VA for the conference. I will try to write blogs as I have time. Today's blog was written at the motel in Ohio this evening.

The Revelation of Manasseh at St. Louis

We got back last night from the St. Louis conference. Other than being a little tired from all of the late-night fellowship, followed by the long drive home, we are doing well.…

The Climax of Operation Jericho

Operation Jericho finished with a long, loud shout yesterday at the steps of the Capitol building in St. Paul, MN. The only surprise was that this shout overthrew the spirit of…

Pictures of the Fishing Trip

2011 Fishing Trip Click on the picture to see larger images. You can also view full screen on the page you are taken to.