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Removing the Curse at Little Big Horn

In my weblog for May 28, I wrote of that morning's revelation that we should begin to walk the neighborhood and pray to break curses on the property of our neighbors. I think…

Another Trip

This is just to let you know that I will be leaving on a West Coast trip tomorrow morning and will be out of the office for about 3 weeks. I will bring my laptop and will try…

Important Personal Message

On Friday, April 2, I will begin traveling to Manassas, Virginia for the conference next week end. Because I will be traveling and visiting people along the way, I may not be…

Back from California

We had a great conference in Modesto, California this past week end, followed by more private meetings in Sacramento on Monday and Tuesday. We flew home yesterday (Wed.) and had…

Personal Observations about the South African Trip

The first thing one notices when traveling abroad is that even when the people speak English as their first language, it is different from American English. We see slight…

South Africa Ministry Trip Report

After boarding the first plane in Port Elizabeth in South Africa at 9:40 a.m. their time, I finally arrived in Minneapolis yesterday afternoon at 3:40 p.m. Taking into…

News from South Africa

I finally got a little time at an Internet shop in Paarl to write a few words and give you a brief report. I had a week's worth of meetings near Capetown the first week. In the…

Oklahoma Trip Report and its Lessons

We finally returned home last night after close to two weeks on the road. I thought I would share a few comments and observations that I learned while at the Father's Day…

On the Road Again

Darla and I will be on the road for the next two weeks, finishing up with the Father's Day Conference in Oklahoma City in about 10 days. On trips like this, it is always difficult…


I was gone this past week on a teaching trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin and just returned last night. That is why I was unable to write web logs a few days. I had very good…

Trinidad Trip Report

I flew home from Trinidad last Saturday after a week of excellent meetings. I was very happy with the progress and development that I saw in the people there. Many are reading and…

Back from Philadelphia

While in Philadelphia, I was unable to do any web logs or even to connect to the internet. The conference went very well, however, and we made it back safe and sound. However,…

Back From Arkansas

We returned from the conference in Little Rock, Arkansas last evening. From all indications, the conference went very well. I covered many basic teachings for the Church there and…

Back from Louisiana

This past week I was on a trip to Jena, Louisiana to fellowship with a dozen other ministers who teach Universal Reconciliation in one form or another. It was held at the home of…

Update on Activities

I have been out of town a lot during the first half of April and forgot to bring my laptop to do some blogs along the way. The meetings in Pennsylvania went well. The only burp…

Report on 9-11 Conference

We had a great conference, as we expected, with about 80 people filling the Key Ministry Center at Euless, Texas. It was good to see old friends and to meet new people. A couple…

Warfare Completed: End of Trip

We are finally back home after being out of state since June 19. A mountain of work awaits me. If you have written in my absence, I will try to answer your letter shortly. When…

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