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Madeline Island, the Place of Provision

Our recent trip to Madeline Island not only speaks of the “Effective Apostleship” that was promised in 2001, but also implies the provision necessary to be sent out as apostles.…

Apostle Islands Trip Report (corrected)

In January of 2001 the revelation we received was that America and other nations were still ruled spiritually by the golden calves that Jeroboam built after the death of Solomon…

Trip to the Apostle Islands

We are going to the Apostle Islands today and will be gone for the rest of the week end. Everything is working perfectly this time, the weather is perfect, and we do not expect…

Australia trip report

On February 23, 2016 Darla and I flew from Auckland, New Zealand to Melbourne, Victoria on the southern coast of Australia. We were met at the airport by our hosts, Norm and Norma…

2016 New Zealand Trip Report, part 2

From Christchurch, Neil drove Darla and I west to the mountains and back. The trip took most of the day, as it was about a three-hour drive to get to the top of the mountain pass…

2016 New Zealand Trip Report, part 1

On February 8, 2016 Darla and I got on the plane and flew to Auckland, New Zealand, arriving on the morning of February 10. We lost a day in transit, because we crossed the…

Back from Trip

We got back from our trip to New Zealand and Australia late late night and slept late this morning. It will take a few days to overcome the jet lag after 20 hours of flying and…

ChristChurch New Zealand - 5.7 Earthquake

This is an update for those who are aware of the earthquake that occurred in Christchurch New Zealand.  We received the following email from Dr. Jones... Am in Coopers Bay,…

New Zealand Trip

This is a reminder that Darla and I will be flying to New Zealand tomorrow, February 8. My sons will continue to do the office work (depositing checks and sending out literature…

Trip to New Zealand and Australia

Darla and I are planning a three-week trip to New Zealand and Australia in February 2016. We are scheduled to leave here February 8 and return March 1. The first week will be…

Loren Matzke's Awesome Memorial Service

On October 31, 2015 the spirit of Loren Matzke, 80, returned to God. He was our dear friend from Good Thunder, Minnesota (near Mankato). It was our privilege to meet him about 20…

Philippine Trip Report

I was one of three team members (David, Cathy, and I) who went to the Philippines from October 26 and returned November 10. David organized this trip and the conference in Davao…

Schedule for Davao meetings in the Philippines

I will be flying to Davao on Tuesday, October 27. Meetings begin Friday evening, October 30. I will be one of three speakers. Other scheduled speakers are: Apostle David Nthite…

Conference Report

We returned home from the Conference last night. It took an extra day to return home, because we were invited to visit friends from New Zealand, who own a dairy farm south of…

Deeper Background Truths

The final testimonies in the divine court case on August 4, 2015 were the two testimonies of blood. I already wrote an entire weblog on these earlier, so I will not repeat it…

Explanation of the court case, Part 3

The third set of testimonies that were presented to the divine court on August 4 was the testimony of the Bride, the Heavenly Jerusalem. The Bride is identified in Revelation 21:2…

Explanation of the court case, Part 2

The first set of testimonies we presented to the divine court on August 4, 2015 was the Voice of the Mediator. This was one of the “voices” that Dr. Henderson had set forth in his…

Explanation of the court case, Part 1

The court case published yesterday contained statements that were learned and discussed during the days prior to the actual court case. I want to share how some of these issues…

The Restoration Court Case

08/04/2015  Estes Park, CO 216th day of the Year. Restoration of All Creation Divine Court Case Before the Throne Rock at McCreless Cottages  4:00 p.m. to 5:33 p.m.…

The Testimony of Blood

For me, one of the most important revelations of the past week came when discussing the testimony of the blood of Jesus. Dr. Henderson wrote about this in one of the chapters…