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Epstein signed over his money to a trust just two days before he committed suicide Jeffrey Epstein wrote a will just two days before his…

Epstein's ears

The picture we were shown of Epstein after his supposed suicide gave us a good view of his ears. Ears are like fingerprints to the law enforcement community, which is why they…

Epstein’s death is proving to be useful

What would've taken months to secure warrants to inspect or investigate is now property of the US because of the human trafficking charges against Epstein. While alive, he could…

Epstein suicided on the 9th of Av

I received this email today, which should be passed on to you. I got to mulling a bit over Epstein's "suicide" and checked the Hebrew calendar and sho 'nuff, his suicide…

Dr. Pieczenik comments on Epstein's suicide

Dr. Pieczenik has a long background working in the field with the CIA and as a psychiatrist. His viewpoint carries weight.

Was Epstein's death faked? John (a friend) sent me his analysis of the photo in the above link,…

An Open invitation to Tyranny The FBI has published a document that concludes that “conspiracy theories” can motivate believers…

The war in Washington

Yesterday President Trump reported that Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) was stepping down on August 15 and that Trump was nominating Texas congressman…

Update on Q posts

Q has been posting often lately. To view them all, go to: Jeff Epstein Jeff Epstein was arrested on July 6. The judge denied him bail and refused to allow…

The Mueller hearing before congress

On July 24, 2019 Robert Mueller gave testimony before congress to explain and defend his report on the so-called Trump-Russia collusion. Mueller looked really old, tired, and even…

Israel's agents of influence So Israel is always in the news, or so it seems, though it is often not in the news when the story might be…

Facebook Censoring July 17 watch date, and racism

According to a former Google programmer, their censoring resulted in a minimum of 2.6 million votes for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The count may be as a high as 10…

Transferring wealth

Biblical patterns show that when God set Israel free from the major captivities, He also transferred the wealth of the wicked (Egyptians and Babylonians) to the righteous (i.e.,…

Epstein's unknown source of wealth

Jeffrey Epstein is a billionaire whose source of wealth is as mysterious as he himself is. He was not born wealthy, and his hedge fund never seemed to have any real clients, other…

The Calm Before The Storm

Jeremiah 23:19 says, 19 Behold, the storm of the Lord has gone forth in wrath, even a whirling tempest; it will swirl down on the head of the wicked. Q post 48, dated…

Epstein arrested, politicians shaking

The earth is shaking in southern California continues with thousands of aftershocks from the recent 6.4 and 7.1 Richter quakes. Dutch Sinse says to expect a greater quake to occur…

New York's new abortion law

As the new Civil War heats up across the cultural, moral, and religious divide, New York has now passed a law forcing all taxpayers to fund abortions and even to fund travel…

Nationalism vs Corporatism

For political news, here is Praying Medic, who always has a good perspective and has studied the Q posts from the start. He comments on the word “treason,” which is being used…

Pope Francis' globalist agenda

It is becoming increasingly clear to Catholics that their pope is supporting the globalist agenda and that he may well be at the forefront of the push for illegal immigration.…

Bayer to "Roundup" Monsanto Black Ops A few years ago the German chemical…