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Will Obama Agree With Truman?

Not long ago, Brennan and Clapper were denying the program altogether to spy on Trump. Then they claimed it was all good and necessary. Now that the Comey report is ready to come…

The post-Mueller world

Now the Mueller report has produced its nothing-burger, the agents for the Deep State are angry and are trying to extend the life of their conspiracy theory by conducting more…

Rosenstein defends AG William Barr

Rod Rosenstein has been the Deputy Attorney General overseeing the Mueller investigation since the beginning. He has also been the darling of the Democrats, who have idolized him…

The Basel III Revolution Day, March 29, 2019

A revolution occurred on March 29, 2019. Few noticed. Real revolutions are…

In the News

Now that I have finished the commentary on Jude and the Gnostic series, I am starting the process of putting these two series into a single book. Jude was not quite long enough to…

Praying Medic interview

This interview is a little long (nearly 2 hours), but it is very informative and covers many areas of interest. At first, we learn something of his background and how he came to…

Results of the Mueller report

Now comes the investigation into the illegal manner in which the Russia Collusion investigation was launched in 2016. This goes all the way to the top in the Obama administration.…

The Mueller Report has been submitted

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded his investigation into the so-called “Collusion” between Trump and Russia in regard to the 2016 election. He has submitted his report…

Report from the Battlefield

I must take a “time out” from our study in Jude to report on a backlog of changes in the battlefield. The overall context of this warfare has been brought about by the prophetic…

Christchurch massacre

Christchurch has once again made the news. A few years ago, on September 4, 2010, it was hit with a large earthquake, and the devastation was greatly increased because the city…

MAGA Hat Crimes

A restaurant in San Francisco banned MAGA hats and refused to serve customers wearing them.…

The Q posts resume in February

Q went silent from January 13 until February 3. Then he began to post once again, commenting on the Mueller investigation coming to an end shortly. You can find Q’s posts here:…

What’s missing in the Racism debate and the Fascism debate?

This is a 30-minute speech at Yale University by Dinesh D’Souza. It is an excellent commentary on Fascists, Nazis, Racists, and the Democratic Party. He takes questions at the…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her purpose and legacy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice who was appointed by President Clinton in 1993, is in very poor health and is widely expected to step down soon. The…

The market manipulations are now exposed

About two months ago, I wrote how market volatility increases just before a collapse, much like a giant reeling back and forth just before he falls. But two months ago I was…

The Treasury's war with the Fed

The stock market has rallied mysteriously today after dropping 5,000 points since early October. By all accounts, the market was set to plunge further today when the markets…

3 evidences of Babylon's fall

Strike 1: Macron and the EU’s Dictatorship Below is an article showing how French president Macron’s popularity has plunged to 20 percent, although he just came to office last…

The turning point

The New French Revolution has reached a turning point. Remember when first Libya’s Khadafy and then Syria’s Assad started “killing their own people”? The western media went…

Bailing out of Deutsche Bank

The largest bank in Europe is in serious financial trouble, having lost money for the past three years. Its stock price has lost half of its value in just the past 12 months.…

Bring out the guillotine!

The “protests” in France are turning into another French Revolution.…