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Happy 50th Anniversary, Hawaii

Ron is our "state watcher." He sees prophetic timing with the dates that each colony or territory has become a state. It was 50 years ago today that Hawaii became a state. Ron…

Rachel Maddow exposes the President's...

The President once again is taking credit for a legal plan that was never his. He is, after all, a mere spokesman for hidden masters who also ruled President Bush and who made…

America has lost control of its economic policy The Paradigm Shift continues to displace the power centers and introduce new ones. Those bright souls who ignore the shift will…

In the Beast's own words

Here is what the Fed decided yesterday, according to their own words: "As previously announced, to provide support to mortgage lending and housing markets and to improve…

US Bond Auction Fails and is Bailed Out by the Fed

It appears that not all is well in Metropolis, Superman. Foreign nations are not buying our debt, and that recent treasury auctions have succeeded only because the Fed has stepped…

Jobless Rate Drops--What does it mean? The official government unemployment figure dropped from 9.6% to 9.4%. In…

The Perfect Storm on the Horizon

Movies often have a way of establishing English words or phrases into the mainstream vocabulary. One movie was called The Perfect Storm. It was based on a true story about three…

Fake Al Qaeda Exposed

Years ago I learned about one of the most effective ways to fight your enemy. It was to join them and then do stupid things in their name under their banner. This tactic is called…

President Obama's Birth Certificate Found I find it interesting that the mainstream news media has finally begun to recognize that…

The Renewed Korean War

Yesterday, North Korea repudiated the 1953 armistice which ended the Korean War. Technically, this means that the Korean War has suddenly been renewed, because there is no truce…

Thoughts for Today

Rather than do a specific study today, I want to give short comments on a number of issues that may help tie events together and give clarity to what is happening today. First,…

Governor Cuomo Investigation and Letter on Bank of America's Purchase of Merrill Lynch

Governor Cuomo of New York has just finished investigating the circumstances under which Bank of America purchased Merrill Lynch, effective January 1, 2009. He found that…

The Politics of The End Justifying the Means

In the recent political debates regarding the torture of detainees at Guantanamo, have you noticed that Dick Cheney's primary defense of torture is simply that "it works"?? In…

Missouri Backs Down--Or does it?

On Feb. 20, 2009, Missouri issued a report to police that targeted supporters of third-party political candidates, lumping them together with "militias" and groups that it…

Twilight of the Autocrats

Here is an impressive and informative article about the unrest that is surfacing around the world, including China, as a result of the economic crisis.…

Privatizing Government

There are at least two credible theories about what is going on. First, there is the "new world order" or the "new economic order" that top bankers have been pushing for a long…

Another Week, Another Bailout

The Treasury Secretary has announced yet another bailout plan today. It is to induce banks to buy toxic mortgages (which are killing the current owners) by a government offer to…

Foxes Guarding the Hen House

We have all seen how "government" regulators fell down on the job insofar as the economic system is concerned. The Bernie Madoff fraud was made possible by winks, nods, and…

Let them eat cake

It is doubtful if America has ever been so scandalized and outraged against any corporation in the past. AIG certainly "takes the cake," as we would say. The most recent…

The Breakdown of Public Order

We are witnessing the breakdown of the public order in society, and this will only increase as the financial crisis deepens. About 3 million French took to the streets recently,…