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Fed to Pump another $1 Trillion into Economy

Last evening on the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, I watched an interview with Greg Ip that really surprised me. I had heard,of course, that the Fed had decided to "buy bonds" worth a…

Israeli Veterans discuss Gaza war crimes

The Israeli government is probably livid over these revelations by their own soldiers. Like our own government, they are not interested in the truth coming out. They are…

Israeli General draws up plans to attack Iran

It appears that an Israeli general has been asked to draw up plans for an attack on Iran in the next few months. The Israeli general and the American hosts discussed the…

The Media in Prophecy

The fall of Babylon was accomplished by a coalition of nations: Media and Persia. By race, the Medes were an Iranian people. Persia, of course, is also modern Iran. So the two are…

AIG gets $170 Billion bailout; gives $165 Million as bonuses to executives Do you get the feeling that the taxpayers are being forced to give bonuses to millionaires? I thought it was…

What do you mean Disgraced?

I noticed it a few years ago with the indictment of Jack Abramoff, the "disgraced" lobbyist. I wondered which Public…

Mr. President, Give back the Skull and Bones!

It seems that the Skull and Bones society at Yale is being sued by the descendents of Geronimo, the great Indian warrior, who died of pneumonia in 1909 while in captivity at Ft.…

Citibank Posts a Profit?

The stock market has jumped 300 points this morning. They say it is because Citibank announced that it had made a profit of $19 billion in the first two months of 2009. Really?…

Another Call for a Jubilee

This comes from Dow Theory Analysis for February 22, 2009. You would need a subscription to read it directly off the site, but thanks to a friend/reader, I get to read it and pass…

The $700 Trillion Elephant

This is a commentary on the derivatives market by Thomas Kostigen of MarketWatch. I am reproducing it here, because the original has such small print that it may discourage…

Jerusalem Post Article about attacking Iran soon

The Jerusalem Post ran an article yesterday (March 5) showing how serious the Israelis are about attacking Iran in the near future. It starts out by saying, Israel is…

Babylon collapsing from the weight of its own sin

Financial sin has been going on for a long time. I call it "sin," because it is not always a "crime" by the standards of man's laws. Sin is crime against God's laws. The power…

Release of Bush-era torture documents

The Civil Liberties Union has secured the release of 9 secret documents and memos from the Bush administration relating to the issue of torturing suspected terrorists. I…

The AIG Gopher Hole

Yesterday the stock market dropped 300 points, mostly on concerns about AIG. My question is why did it take so long for these "experts" to discover that AIG had a problem? The…

Entering the Panic Phase of this Collapse

Martin Weiss, writing in Money and Markets for March 2, 2009, says, "The panic phase of this collapse is about to begin. The panic phase is an acceleration in the economic…

Bank of America--Another Symbolic Collapse or Takeover

Yesterday I referred to an internet article where the author pronounced both Citibank and Bank of America DEAD. By the way, CITIGROUP is the parent company of CITIBANK. For our…

That Great Citi Pronounced Dead

I have taken an interest in Citibank in the past, because its name alone signifies that it is a type of "the great city" (Babylon) in the book of Revelation. We appear to be at…

Called to Deal With It

During the Clinton presidential campaign in 1991, his winning slogan was "It's the economy, stupid." Today, the slogan is, "It's the debt, stupid." People have always been…

George Soros, the Wizard of Oz, and Other Relevant Things

Soros says: Speaking at a dinner at Columbia University, Soros actually compared the current situation to the breakup of the Soviet Union, and said that the whipsaw effects…

IRS mining UBS for new revenue

It would bound to happen. You can't spend $787 billion on top of the previous $700 billion without looking for new sources of revenue. The US government is now suing the…