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No More Bonuses--Just Call them Retention Awards

With the public outcry over fat-cat executives getting paid millions of dollars for running their companies into the ground, it is now official. Any company expecting a bailout…

Stimulus Bill and Astrology

Remember the old song from the 1960's, The Age of Aquarius ? Christians don't normally take much stock in this, but the Illuminati does. In fact, virtually every building in…

Civil War II Update--22 States Declare Sovereignty

A declaration of sovereignty is not the same as secession (the problem in 1860), but more and more states are doing what they can to fight federal encroachment.…

Update on Civil War II

There is nothing like money (or lack of it) to motivate people. Some months ago a Russian commentator claimed that America was soon going to split into six parts. I think his idea…

Iridium Satellite Collision

An Iridium satellite collided with an abandoned Russian satellite over Siberia on Feb. 10, 2009. Does…

An Analysis of the Kennedy Assassination Film This analysis suggests that the film footage was altered by the CIA in order to hide the…

Fixed Frame of Kennedy Assassination Shot

Some of you were unable to catch the action on the video of the Kennedy assassination that I posted a few days ago. Here is a fixed frame shot of the position everyone was in just…

California near bankruptcy

California now has the lowest credit rating of all the states in America. It is projecting a $42 billion shortfall between now and June 2010. That, of course, is probably based…

Nine States Declare Sovereignty--Civil War II

There are now nine states that have passed bills declaring the 10th ammendment rights, essentially telling the Federal Government that it has far surpassed its constitutional…

Civil War II Brewing

Last summer, June 14, 2008, the Oklahoma legislature declared its sovereignty. Then New Hampshire's legislature passed…

Short but Strange Video of Dr. Mark Alter, President Bush's Psychologist

Dr. Mark Alter went missing in early May, 2007, but not after first making a short video. He claims that powerful people in the Bush adminstration wanted him dead for influencing…

Rep. Barney Frank and the Housing Crisis

The housing crisis in 2007 was the first major event signalling the current economic crisis. Every crisis has multiple causes, of course, but the main problem was that too many…

Riots are a sign of things to come

Rioting has erupted in Iceland, Latvia, and Bulgaria, with people storming Parliaments and pelting the buildings with yogurt and other inexpensive means of protest. The following…

Britain's Economic Problems Worse than in America

Coronation Day in America (yesterday) was not very encouraging to the markets. The Dow lost well over 300 points to close below 8,000 again. The Plunge Protection Team will have…

The Gaza Gas War

Now that a cease-fire has been arranged between the Israelis and the government of Gaza, the Israelis have made public the natural gas deposits off the coast of Haifa and Gaza.…

Regime Change in America

Three weeks ago a $25 billion Zimbabwe note would buy 20 loaves of bread. Now they have issued a $50 billion note, which will only buy one loaf of bread.…

Why the U.S. abstained in the U.N. Cease-Fire Vote

Here is a revealing article, telling how Condaleeza Rice worked on the cease-fire agreement, pushed it, and then at the last minute, the Israeli Prime Minister called President…

Oral Roberts Unviersity Begins Layoffs

I have mentioned previously that we will probably be seeing a lot of bankruptcies among mega-churches in the next year or two. Here is an article from the Associated Press about…

Good Article: It's not hateful to criticize the Israeli government

Lisa Abrecht wrote this editorial, reprinted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on January 8, 2008. "As a Jew and citizen of the U.S., I am outraged, sick to my stomach, and aching…

Sponsor a CEO and Protect a Life Style

Remember those irritating television ads from the Christian Childrens Fund? Here's a great spoof on supporting unemployed CEO's, using the other ad as a model:…