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Baloney in the Church

Baloney in the Church Here is s little "God-wink" that was sent to me today. I thought you would find it interesting, too. "I just wanted to ask you if you had ever read a…

Do the Israelis Bribe U.S. Congressmen?

Looks like Hal Turner has done it again. He says he got a call from an Israeli who was exasperated over the Gaza bombardment, so he decided to give out the information about the…

Causes of the Gaza War

The current bombing of Gaza is just another development in a long chain of events. I find it remarkable that the longer the chain becomes, the more people forget how the chain got…

Comments on Recent News

#1 Story: The Other Shoe Drops on President Bush Yesterday, at a press conference in Baghdad, President Bush received an extra pair of shoes--a gift from an Iraqi news…

The Next Step in Mystery Babylon's Collapse

Well, it looks like the government, with usual speed, has finally figured out that we are in a recession. The National Bureau of Economic Research has finally come across this…

The Great Citibank

Citibank is probably the most visible symbol of Babylon, "the great city" (Rev. 16:19) in America. Its demise could prove to be the destruction of Babylon's central pillar. So…

Petition to Prove Obama's Birth Certificate

As I wrote earlier, Philip Berg wants Obama to show us a valid, certified Birth Certificate BEFORE he takes office, proving his eligibility for office, so as to prevent a huge…

Imports Piling Up Signal Trouble for Japan

The automaker woes in America are not limited to America. Americans are not switching to Toyotas. They are simply not buying cars as fast as last year. Toyota has just anounced…

To Be--or NOT To Be--The President (Corrected)

The election of Sen. Barack Obama earlier this month raises some interesting possibilities for the future of America. Here is a thought in view of the lawsuit by former Attorney…

Washington Times National Weekly Edition Ad about the Obama Citizenship Controversy

This is an ad that will appear in The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. It presents short, simplified questions about…

Bailouts for Auto Companies

The problem with government bailouts is that they are not handled equally but by preferential treatment. Of course, we have a long history of this, because it is a long…

The California Marriage Amendment

Though Barack Obama won the recent vote in California, that state also voted 53 to 47% to define "marriage" as a union between one man and one woman. The gay-lesbian movement was…

Possible Scenario for America

There have been many rumors over the internet about Barack Obama. I do not know which are true and which are not. That is not for me to decide. However, I think it is quite…

Obama More Zionist than Bush

Early signs abound that voter euphoria is soon to be replaced by voter disillusionment. President-elect Obama is promising more bailout packages, acknowledging that the recent…

Obama Gets the Jewish Vote

With all of the internet chatter about Obama being a secret Muslim, perhaps even the secret son of Malcomb X, it is interesting to me that 78% of American Jews were not worried…

Presidential Election--Part 2

Having said that little will change under an Obama presidency, let me add that there are indeed some substantive changes that will likely take place. First, America has an…

The Presidential Election 2008

I try to comment on governmental matters with a non-political and non-partisan viewpoint, staying within the areas of biblical morality and prophecy. Yesterday was America's…

Fed to Buy Massive Amounts of Short-Term Debt

Today's news confirms what many have said all along--that the massive $700 billion bailout plan is not nearly enough to resolve the huge problem. In fact, when asked how he came…

Watch for Week-Long Bank Holiday

There is a report that there may be week-long banking holiday coming shortly. In case the report is true, it might be a prudent idea for everyone to have some extra cash on hand…