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Jim Rogers Says to Abolish the Federal Reserve

Jim Rogers says that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke should abolish the Federal Reserve and then resign. "The next shock’s going to be even bigger still. So the shocks keep getting…

How to Resolve the Banking Crisis Here is an excellent and informative article that gives the real solution to the current banking crisis. It points out that…

Is America Too Big to Fail?

American government officials are saying that certain corporations are too big to fail. This is their justification for bailing them out when they get into trouble. In so doing,…

Attacking Iran--a Jordanian Perspective

The Jordanians believe that America will not give the Israelis a green light to attack Iran. (In other words, the light will remain amber.)…

Faith in the Midst of Storm

One would think that the stock market would be more cheerful after the Fed announced it would bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae "if necessary." Instead, all this did was to…

A New Emergency Declaration

Two days ago, North Korea turned over their nuclear program documents to international observers, and then yesterday they destroyed the cooling tower on their nuclear power plant.…

Rabbis Object to Zionism

Here's a video showing some rabbis in New York who seriously object to Zionism, saying that it is a radical, atheistic departure from Judaism. In other words, there are some…

The State of the US Economy--2008 Here is an article…

Chased by a Tornado--A Washington Story?

Recently, a tornado tore through Hugo, Minnesota just north of St. Paul. Hugo is in Washington County. At the same time, a tornado tore through Parkersburg, Iowa, which is…

MSNBC Interview Calling for President Bush and Others to Repent

The Senate Intelligence Committee has issued its report on the way Americans were deceived into supporting the Iraq War. It comes on the heels of Scott McClellan's new book saying…

Islam in Britain Filling the Religious Vacuum

I have written in the past how God raised up Islam to judge the corrupted Church. The "little horn" of Daniel 7 is the Papal Church coming out of the ashes of the Roman Empire. It…

How to End the Manipulations in the Metals Markets

Here's an interesting idea that is simple and would work if enough people caught on to his idea. If everyone holding gold reserves would just swap their gold for silver, it would…

US Government Now Rationing 2008 Silver Dollars

It seems that the US government can't keep up with the demand for 2008 silver dollars and is now rationing them to the dealers. They can't buy enough silver blanks. The spot…

Lindsey Williams, The Non-Energy Crisis Video

Here is a short, 9-minute video featuring Lindsey Williams, a Baptist missionary to Alaska when the original Alaska Pipeline was built in the early 1970's. He gives his testimony…

Jews Burn New Testaments in Israel

Here's an article from Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper telling of students burning the New Testament. This so-called "Democracy" doesn't have a whole lot of freedom of religion,…

Israeli Spy indicted April 22, 2008

In case you missed this piece of news. . . . ABC News for April 22, 2008 reported that an American with dual Israeli-American citizenship, Ben-Ami Kadish, was indicted in New…

Economic Update on Babylon

Well, last September's prediction that we would see $120/barrel oil by Spring has finally come to pass by the middle of Spring with 6 weeks to spare! Now the news is projecting…

Obama, the Healer?

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it is something you should read in order to be informed on what is being done and said in the political world these days. Reports…

US-Iranian War Looming

It looks like the U.S. is about to launch a new military offensive that will be a third front on an already huge battle line. The rhetoric to justify such an attack is that…

Correction on the Amero Currency

The picture of the Amero that was in the recent video which I posted is apparently not a picture of the real Amero. It is instead a medallion that is currently being sold by a…