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Eliot Spitzer's Fall

In my opinion, not many politicians get far up the ladder unless there are some "safeguards" in place. These safeguards are otherwise known as "skeletons in the closet." A…

How the Fed Averted an Economic Chernobyl in the Bear Stearns Bailout

Here is what financial experts are saying at The Telegraph (March 24): "Fed chairman Ben Bernanke has moved with breathtaking speed to contain the crisis. Last Sunday night, he…

Televangelist Rod Parsley's War on Islam

It was bad enough when Pat Robertson recommended the assassination of Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez. Now we have Rod Parsley on a similar crusade to "destroy Islam." He…

US Prepares for War with Iran Reports indicate that U.S. armed forces are in the final stages of preparation to attack Iran. A Russian report says…

Global Systemic Crisis--September 2008

Here is a professional organization from the France (I think) that is providing an analysis of the current economic crisis. They say: "LEAP/E2020 wishes to remind that we are…

J. P. Morgan Marries Bear Stearns

The recent collapse of the fifth largest investment bank in America, Bear Stearns, has left a lot of people surprised and bewildered. It seems they took the word of the experts at…

Washington Post Article on Cancellation of Mortgages

On February 27, 2008 The Washington Post covered the story of a Wisconsin couple who is suing Chevy Chase Bank. The bank has already lost its case in the federal court in…

Oprah Winfrey Teaching--A Course in Miracles

Here is something related to my current series on the law of false prophets. It was written by Warren Smith last November. He is warning people of a very real danger that is…

The Counterfeit Christ Movement

On April 25, 1982 a number of full-page advertisements appeared in major newspapers around the world proclaiming, "The Christ is Now Here." This new "christ" was called Lord…

The Real Losses in the Mortgage Collapse

On February 5 The Asia Times reproduced a good article that is both serious and humorous as the same time. It shows that the reported losses are only a few hundred billion…

In the News

Remember a few years ago when the price of oil began to rise in a serious way? Fed Chairman Greenspan declared it to be "inflationary" and began to raise interest rates to combat…

Is Ron Paul the only genuine Christian among the candidates?

In the interest of an informed electorate in the upcoming voting season, I find this article to be most informative on where Congressman Ron Paul stands on the issues relevant to…

Europe's Black Monday

Yesterday is being called "Europe's Black Monday," because of the steep decline in the stock markets around the world. A friend from Australia sent me an article last Friday…

It's Not 1929, but it's the Biggest Mess Since

Here is a very good Washington Post article posted online, dated Dec. 5, 2007, which explains as simply as possible the financial mess that surfaced last August.…

Dismantling the Illegal Settlements

Yesterday President Bush stated publicly his stand that the Israelis must end the occupation of Palestinian territory when the borders were altered in 1967 as a result of the…

Fraud and the Mortgage Meltdown

The San Francisco Chronicle has run a very revealing article on the "fraud" of the mortgage industry in selling worthless or risky mortgages to foreign investors in recent years.…

7 Countries Consider Abandoning the US Dollar

Many countries are already moving to reduce their dollar holdings, causing the recent plunge in the value of the dollar. Last September, when the euro bought $1.38 US, it was…

Mystery Babylon vs. Iran

Here is a good article showing how the current world banking system (i.e., Mystery Babylon) is in conflict with Iran. The issue is primarily that of interest on money, which is…

This Could Be an Interesting Election

MSNBC had a story about Congressman Ron Paul recently, which claimed that he is the most popular candidate ON THE INTERNET for the upcoming presidential election. It seems that…

Do Church Programs Bring Spiritual Maturity? October 18, 2007 Willow Creek Repents? Why the most influential church in America now says…