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The Effects of the Economic Crisis on Prosperity Preachers

I have been thinking lately that the economic crisis is probably going to cause quite a few large ministries to go bankrupt or to seriously downsize in the near future. Too long…

Alternative to Genetically Modified Foods?

China has sent thousands of seeds into outer space, and when these return to earth, they tend to grow vegetables and fruits that are greatly improved--though no one knows why they…

Financial Armageddon Barely Averted on Sept. 18

According to the New York Post, the collapse of Lehman Brothers on Monday, Sept. 15, resulted in a financial meltdown that came within 500 trades of financial Armageddon. Treasury…

Oil as a Weapon of War

Here are three short videos, each about 8-9 minutes long where Lindsey Williams tells about a telephone call he received from someone high up in an oil company. He says that the…

China's Investments in Freddie and Fannie

It appears that China is heavily invested in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two giant mortgage companies that failed recently. If the U.S. treasury does not bail them out with…

Another Eyewitness Account of War in Georgia

I did not realize that Georgia had cut off the water supply a month before bombing cities in South Ossetia. Supposedly, Georgia invaded in order to bring S. Ossetia back under…

Another Interview with the 12-Year-Old Girl by the Foreign Press

Here's a little better interview with the 12-year-old girl that was caught in the war in South Ossetia. They finish where the US media had cut her off.…

Interview with 12-Year-Old Girl Caught in the War in South Ossetia

The News Media gave a live interview, not realizing that it would go in a direction they were not expecting. She thanks the Russian troops for intervening and stopping the…

Denver Prepares POW Camps for Protesters at DNC

If you are planning to protest at the Democratic National Convention in Denver next week, be careful to stay out of the meat grinder. CBS News has learned that the city has built…

God Bless Your Credit Card

The Golden Calf is still alive and well.,,2-7-1442_2360893,00.html

Is John McCain's Canal Zone Birthplace Make Him Ineligible to be President?

With questions about Barack Obama's birthplace (whether or not it was fraudulently made out to be in Hawaii), there also seems to be a Constitutional question about John McCain's…

Royal Bank of Scotland Predicts Global Economic Crash Within Three Months

"The Royal Bank of Scotland has advised clients to brace for a full-fledged crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three months as inflation paralyses the major…

The Real State of the Economy

Here is an excellent article that tells us the real state of the economy, as opposed to the sanitized version that the government puts out in election years.…

Congressman John Olver (D-Mass) Spills the Beans

On July 5, 2007 Congressman Olver of Massachusetts seems to have made a statement that he later regretted, claiming he was "misquoted." Here is a 5-minute video interview with…

Israeli Paper Claims Bush is Deserting Them

The Debka File is an Israeli-based newspaper, purporting to have inside information. They claim an 80 percent "truth" rate, though most of its sources are unidentified. They…

Is Too Much Soy Making People Gay?

Here's what a scientific study had to say. Imagine the outrage going on in both the soy industry and the gay community. Keep in mind, too, that most chemical pesticides are…

The Ugly Truth on the Coming War with Iran

Here is an article about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullin's recent visit to the Israeli state, telling them in no uncertain terms that they better not even think…

Was Barack Obama Born in Canada?

Maybe someone could check this out. There is a Birth Certificate for Obama being posted online, saying that he was actually born in Canada. If that is true, it would make him…

GM and Ford Going Bankrupt

According to the Bloomberg Report, GM and Ford have a 46% chance of going bankrupt within the next five years. Their credit rating is dropping, which makes it more difficult to…