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The New China and Christianity's Rise

Here is an amazing article in the Chicago Tribune for July 18 about the changing face of China. With the rise of the new capitalist economy, run by the Communist Party, China is…

Status Report on the Collapsing American Economy This is a great article by Richard Cook. In part, he writes: "All that the current…

Does Bin Laden Have Nukes in America?

Here's an interesting but rather scary article about someone who thinks that Bin Laden has smuggled some suitcase bombs into America, probably through the border with Mexico.…

Analysis of Iranian Situation by Scott Ritter

This is a very good, thoughtful article by a former U.N. weapons inspector from 1991-1998. He shows how the recent Iranian missile test has made it clear to the West what the…

Man Sues Zondervan for Bible Translation Condemning Homosexuality The trend is to make it a crime to call homosexual behavior a sin. Apparently, this causes harm to the psyche of homosexuals.…

The Oil Bomb

On May 5, 2008, Iran registered its long-expected Iranian Oil Bourse, accepting the many currencies of other nations without making them pay in US dollars. When Saddam Hussein…

The Biggest Transfer of Wealth in History

Bill Bonner wrote an article with this title that will give you an idea of the results of worshiping at the altar of Free Trade and worshiping the god of Babylonian Banking.…

Possible War Scenario by David DeBatto

Does anyone really know just how bad things can get in a war, especially a war with Iran? Here's an article from someone who is in a position to know. A war with Iran would…

Evangelicals to Support John McCain

A Charisma magazine article says this: "Obama has reached out to evangelical leaders more than McCain, a fact that irked some at the meeting. But others said they must…

Guess Who Nancy Pelosi Works For

Congressman Ron Paul says that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deliberately altered a house bill in order to allow the President the right to declare war on Iran without congressional…

If Americans Knew

Here is a short video, "If Americans Knew." It shows the concerns that many of our government officials have concerning our unconditional support for Israel in spite of its…

Zimbabwe's Economic Crisis

The inflationary rate in Zimbabwe these days is officially at 165,000 percent, but unofficially more like a million percent. Right now even the falling U.S. dollar is worth 10…

The State of the US Economy--Part 2

The UK's Telegraph is also issuing a global economic crash alert for the latter part of this year.…

Will President Bush Convert to Catholicism?

The President's recent visit to the Vatican has sparked a number of speculations that he is soon to convert to Catholicism, once his term of office is concluded.…

Blackwater--The Shadow Army

Here's a short, 4-minute video that will give you some perspective on the private army that has been set up to circumvent the normal rules of war. It is being used around the…

Manipulative Causes of the Rise in the Oil Price

Ed Wallace wrote a very interesting article, showing how the rise in oil prices are not really the result of oil shortages, but of withholding oil from the market to create…

Interesting Vision Reported

Here is an interesting vision that illustrates just how easy it is to misunderstand a spiritual vision. It is the same problem that people have with dreams, out-of-body…

John McCain--Video Collection of Contradictory Sound Bites

Watching this video makes me wonder where John McCain stands on any issue.