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John Hagee Apologizes for calling the Catholic Church

Ok, so I wonder what he thinks the alternative interpretation is. Just who is the Great Whore of Revelation 17?…

Frogs and Clouds May Signal Coming Earthquakes (as in China)

It is now being reported that a mass migration of frogs occurred in the days before the May 12 earthquake in China. There is now a second frog migration going on. The people…

New Free Energy Machine

A couple of Australian inventors have come up with a machine using magnets, which, they say, will run indefinitely and produce at least five times as much energy as it takes to…

VeriChip Corporation Starts Chipping Today

VeriChip Corporation begins its marketing today of implantable computer chips in people. Many believe this to be the "Mark of the Beast." I don't think so, but neither do I…

Chaos on Wall Street Here is an article from CNN Money, "Chaos on Wall Street," that tells you in simple terms…

A Photo of the Amero Coin

If you want to see a photo of the Amero that is the coin of the coming North American Union, you can view it toward the beginning of the following video:…

Taxpayers May Bail Out the Banking System

Bob Henley references this taxpayer bailout of the big banks, as suggested by the IMF. As usual, the bankers making those bad decisions get to…

Good Article--Empire on the Brink

This is written by a former assistant secretary to the treasury in the Reagan administration. It is clear and fairly easy to read for the average person, so I recommend it highly…

Dow Theory Letter regarding the Fed

Richard Russell asks the question: What do we do about the Fed showering the US with an ocean of currency?…

Florida Man Raised from the Dead

Here's an interesting piece of news of a man who was raised to life after being dead for close to an hour.

The Latest $330 billion Catastrophe

Here's an article by Peter Cohan posted February 15 that tells of the latest financial catastrophe in another sector of the economy. He writes: "The latest of these…

Testimony of Brother Nathanael Kapner

Here is a rather fascinating Jewish convert to Christianity who is a whole lot closer to the truth than most of the well-known Christian Zionist evangelists. Wow, some of the…

The Louisiana Caucus...

Up here in Minnesota, I didn't even know there was a Louisiana caucus going on. It seems to have been largely ignored by the media. Perhaps it is because Ron Paul came in at least…

Problems with Electronic Vote Counters?

Some are saying that there was vote-counting fraud in the New Hampshire primaries yesterday. One town reported NO VOTES for Ron Paul, but it looks like some from there actually…

Rick Joyner Writes about John Hagee

A few months ago, John Hagee put out a book called In Defense of Israel, in which he set forth the idea that Jesus was not really the Messiah--at least not to the Jewish people.…

Contrasting Homeland Airport Security with God's Law

Here's how we have come to treat foreign visitors under the new Homeland Security arrangement. It makes me nostalgic for the "kindler, gentler" ways of former President Geo. Bush,…

The Omaha Shooting Incident

Often when we read of disasters and tragedies occurring in the world, stories from Christians come out of it showing the hand of God in their lives. Here is one such article,…

Iran Commits the Unpardonable Sin: Refusing to Accept US Dollars for Oil Sales

Iran has been gradually cutting down on its acceptance of US dollars for oil sales in the past year, but as of Dec. 6, 2007 it has completed its action. As of that date, it will…

Article: Jewish anti-zionist point of view

Zionism does not represent all Jewish people. In fact, a century ago, it represented only a minority of Jews. Zionism was an innovation and actually a branch of heretical Judaism,…

A Nation of Sheep

Here is a three-minute video worth watching. It shows how the so-called "Patriot Act" is not so patriotic after all.