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Leo Wanta and the Fall of Financial Babylon

For the past year I have wondered about the story of Ambassador Leo Wanta and the trillions of dollars under his trusteeship. This fund apparently was originally gathered as part…

Saddam Hussein Hanged

This web log will stretch most of you, but because it is in print, you can study it piece by piece if necessary. I recently did a series on the prophetic history of November…

Dung in Washington Released

In my book, The Laws of Wormwood and Dung, I showed that "wormwood" in the Bible is actually opium, which masks symptoms but does not cure the basic moral disease in a nation. It…

The Storm in Washington and the Flood of the Holy Spirit

Yesterday I received emails and phone calls from friends living in Washington State, telling me about a powerful 90 mph wind and hail storm that had hit them, knocking out power…

A Variety of News

Last week, the incoming Secretary of Defense Robert Gates mentioned Israel as being a nuclear nation. The other day, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert did the same, though it was…

Donald Rumsfeld Under Fire from Cyrus

On May 17, 2005 an American film director named Cyrus Kar was arrested in Iraq and treated like a terrorism suspect. He was Iranian by birth, but his parents had immigrated to…

Another Massacre, Another Veto

Last week end the United States vetoed its 80th United Nations resolution. It was the 30th time the US has vetoed a resolution intended to prevent the Israeli oppression or…

Donald Rumsfeld Resigns

This is really big news and shows just how devastating this election is to the Republicans and to President Bush himself. Though Bush values loyalty above most other virtues, and…

The Election's Tidal Wave

In listening to the news this morning, I heard our (R-Minn.) Secretary of State interviewed. She was asked why she thought she had lost re-election yesterday. She said that she…

News: Flooding in Washington

This news is related to the other weblog posted today, where I talked about Washington State being spiritually connected to Washington D.C. In there, I wrote about how a…

Update on the Eisenhower Strike Group

On October 27 I reported the continuing buildup of ships in the Persian Gulf, and I assumed that the Eisenhower Strike Group was already there. Somehow I missed the statement at…

Waterboarding: Is it Torture?

Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney brought America's prestige in the world a few points lower by endorsing "waterboarding," a torture technique used for many years to extract…

Another Naval Group Goes to Persian Gulf

We have watched the scene in the Persian Gulf lately, where three groups are being gathered. Take note, however, that the Eisenhower Strike Group is reported to be in Naples,…

How to Win a War

America could possibly be on the brink of war with Iran. It may be mere coincidence that three Naval Groups are now in the Persian Gulf area. It is not unusual for America to keep…

Three Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups Nearing Iranian Waters

Debka-file reports that there are to be three Carrier Strike Groups poised off the coast of Iran shortly. They are: the Iwo Jima, the Enterprise, and the Eisenhower Strike Groups.…

Falwell and Hagee Deny Dual Covenant Theology Report

For many years, Christian leaders and Jewish rabbis have been discussing "differences" and how to get along better. It really took hold with Vatican II Church Council in the early…

Jerry Falwell says: Jews are Saved Without Christ or the Cross

The Jerusalem Post has now posted an article online informing us that Rev. Jerry Falwell has accepted the "Dual Covenant" theology of John Hagee that Jews are saved apart from the…

Illegal Aliens Coming with Potassium Iodate Tablets

This is an unusual development, if true. Apparently, many non-Mexican illegals coming in from Mexico, who are from Iran or China, are coming prepared for a nuclear attack. One…

Comment on War Prisoners

Here is a very important article about the abuse of prisoners, not only at Guantanamo, but other U.S. prisons around the world. At the heart of the issue is not so much the…

The Khatami Visit

Vacation Report (Personal) I'm back from my vacation (fishing trip). I hope that in my absense many of you took the opportunity to read some of the past web logs, along with…