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John Hagee claims Jesus Not the Messiah

John Hagee, who is trying to become the leading spokesman for Christian Zionism, has now come out with his latest book, In Defense of Israel, in which he claims that Jesus was NOT…

Middle Wall of Partition Being Uprooted

It appears that the Palestinians are removing the old temple's middle wall of partition, which has been buried for 1900 years. That was the wall that separated Jewish men from…

Repentance and Rain

Many of you have heard of the record rainfall that southern Minnesota received over the past week end. One town of Witoka, near the Mississippi River in Southeastern Minnesota,…

Nov. 30, 2005 Vision of the Collapsing Bridge

John Lewis had a vision of the collapsing bridge in Minneapolis back on November 30, 2005. That date happened to be President George Bush's 1776th day in office, as well as the…

Minneapolis Bridge Disaster

Last evening a major eight-lane bridge on Interstate 35W collapsed into the Mississippi River, tossing about 50 cars into the water and smashing more on the bridge itself.…

Cheney Pushes; Rice Holds Bush Back

In the world of scuttlebutt news, there is a lot of speculation and contradictions, because people read the signs differently. Apparently, within the White House itself, there…

Hamas Gains Clout

Back in the 1980's, when the PLO was the only serious spokesman for Palestinian oppression, the Israelis helped finance a new group called Hamas, hoping to create a rival that…

Good Article on the Hamas-Fatah War

Jonathan Steele writes a good article about how the Palestinian coalition government (Hamas and Fatah) broke down after being brokered by Saudi Arabia.…

Rewarding the Israelis for Bad War Conduct

Israeli Prime Minister Olmert has been visiting with President Bush this week to secure more money for military aid. The present agreement is to give $2.4 billion to the Israeli…

The Price of Revelation Truth

Grace is free. Revelation Truth can cost you everything. These are called "pearls" in the Bible because of their value. This past week end at the Father's Day conference at…

The Hebron Prison

Hebron was the place of the Absalom conspiracy against David (2 Sam. 15:9). In the New Testament, when this prophetic story was replayed, Judas Iscariot played the role of…

Jerusalem's 40-Year Anniversary Wash-out

According to a Mideast On Target article written by Jewish author Yisrael Ne'eman on May 28, 2007, "This year's 40th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem was for the…

Shenzhou--Land of God

If you have time and interest, it would be well worth your while to learn a little Chinese history from a Christian perspective. China was anciently known as Shenzhou, "Land of…

California Court rules that the IRS has no authority to tax

Here is an interesting article showing how the treasury department was challenged by subpoena to show a Statute allowing the IRS to create tax liability for the American public.…

Lying About the Identity of Modern Edom

Perhaps we are starting to make some people worried when we quote Josephus and other historians telling us that Edom was conquered and absorbed into Judea in 126 B.C. Here is an…

Jesus Casts out the Moneychangers

It seems that a sculpture of Jesus casting out the moneychangers may be the latest prophetic sign of MERCY for the world. "Worshippers are flocking to a statue of Jesus…

Israeli Jets Attempt to Nuke Iran; Stopped by USAF

William Thomas reported on January 18 that the Israeli Air Force has already tried more than once to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, but the planes were turned back by the U.S.…

Aircraft Carrier Stennis Being Sent to Persian Gulf

Last September, I reported that the Eisenhower Carrier Group was being sent to the Persian Gulf months ahead of schedule, supposedly to replace the Enterprise Group. The Boxer…

War-Weary Refugees Finding Christ

A friend emailed this report to me recently. It occurred to me back in the year 2000 that we would probably begin to see Muslims becoming disillusioned with Islam, because of the…

What to Expect from the 110th Congress

The 110th Congress has now begun with the Democratic Party in control of it. President Bush now is appealing to them for bi-partisanship. Watching this is like watching the start…