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Inadvertent Saudi Warning of Dollar Woes

At a recent OPEC meeting, a Saudi prince forgot to turn off his microphone before talking in confidence to someone about the collapsing dollar. It is in situations like this that…

Wealthy Ministries Under Investigation

Some of most lavish ministries are coming under scrutiny by Senator Grassley, who has asked for some accountability from them. This could prove interesting . . .…

Does Goldman Sachs Run the World?

I first took notice of Goldman Sachs back in the days of Robert Rubin in the Clinton Administration, because of what appeared to be an astounding case of a conflict of interest.…

Football is the Reason God Created Pigs

For football fans, here is an interesting article comparing believers with overcomers in terms of those who make the team and those who actually play the game.…

Oral Roberts University Scandal in the News

The Fed's Apology for Causing the Great Depression in the 1930s

Whistleblower issue for July 2006 writes this: Today, the entire Western financial world holds its breath every time the Fed chairman speaks, so influential are the central…

Good Article on the Fed's Rate Cut

Jerome Corsi wrote an article on WorldNet Daily that sums up the expected result of the Federal Reserve's recent interest rate cut. It explains further what I wrote yesterday.…

Good Article on Hydrogen Power

The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) recently ran an article in their newspaper about the mysterious death of an inventor. The article says that he had been offered $250 million…

Israeli Neo-Nazis?

A group of Israeli neo-Nazis have been arrested, raising questions about how this could happen in the Israeli state. I pass on the news site to you as a matter of interest.…

Great Escapes from the Collapsed Minneapolis Bridge

Here are some interesting stories from Christians who might have been on the collapsed bridge in Minneapolis, but were not. It shows that it pays to listen to the voice of the…

Some Evangelicals Act like Christians A group of 30 evangelicals have recently written to President Bush to urge him to give Palestinians a right…

US Sinks N. Korean Ship Bound for Iran

Here is a news report claiming that the United States sank a North Korean ship carring nuclear materials and equipment to Iran.…

Hagee--Ashamed of the Name of Jesus

Here's an article of interest by Rev. Ted Pike in regard to Christian Zionism and to Hagee in particular.

Evangelicals Pushing Hard for Immediate War with Iran

In Part 1 of my series on Early Church History, I showed how Rome became the Christian Jerusalem and how more recent denominations have suffered from the same Holy Real Estate…

Bush Criminalizes the Anti-War Movement

Here is an interesting commentary by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, put out by Global Research on July 20, commenting on President Bush's latest Executive Order. He says, The…

Israeli Politicians Seek Evangelical Funding

The radical Likud Party was founded by Menachem Begin in the 1970's to unite all of the radical parties, including the former terrorists of the 1940's. Now World Likud head,…

Onward Christian Soldiers

I have been consistently critical of the Bush Doctrine, which presumes that War is the best path to peace. That idea has been around for thousands of years, and it only works for…

Putin's Censored News Conference

US-Russian relations are back to where they were in the height of the cold war. And now with Putin's refusal to extradite the accused assassin of Litvinenko (which murder occurred…