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Article: Israel Given OK to Attack Iran

News Max reports: Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs said he has received approval from the U.S. and Europe for an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities." If we…

Iran to Japan: Please Pay for Oil in Yen Only

In a letter dated July 10, Iran has asked Japan to pay for oil imports in yen, rather than in dollars.…

Reese Erlich Reports on Iraq and the Kurdish War

Amy Goodman interviews Reese Erlich in this report, which gives us some first-hand information about the northern part of Iraq, where the Kurds live. He tells how the Kurds want…

EU Calls Off Vote against Creationism

The European Union called off its plan to vote on the legislation making Darwin's Theory of Evolution the "official ideology" of the EU.…

Persecution of Christians in Europe

"Last week, a German court sentenced a 55-year old Lutheran pastor to one year in jail for “Volksverhetzung” (incitement of the people) because he compared the killing of the…

News from Kenya

The following link tells of a certain pastor in Kenya whose meetings have been quite interesting. I think it will be of interest to you.…

The Firing of Don Imus

The radio talk show host, Don Imus, was fired recently for racist comments which were not at all unusual for him. But I have noticed over the years that corporate firings are…

New Mexico Resolution to Impeach President Bush and V.P. Cheney

On February 16, 2007 the New Mexico legislature passed Senate Resolution 5, asking the United States Congress to look into allegations of Constitutional violations in impeachment…

Criminalizing Christianity

I do not know how long we will have to share the Word of God online or by mail. America is embarked on the road to criminalizing the Bible, or at least parts of it. If you quote…

An Israeli Columnist's Opinion about...

This is one of those really incredible articles that I thought should be read by more people. So I am bringing Sever Plocker's "opinion" article to your attention. His viewpoint…

Chattanooga Times Free Press Article about Jimmy Carter's New Book

Here is a good article on Jimmy Carter's new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

Knowing God by Revelation

God appears to have handpicked a little girl at an early age, whose mother is (or was) an atheist, to give her a revelation of Himself. The girl is obviously a gifted artist…

Public Reactions to Jimmy Carter

There is a short but interesting article from The Seattle Times about Jimmy Carter's new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.…

New Book Recommended: Zionism, the Real Enemy of the Jews

The author speaks about his book in a 42-minute video at: Toward the end…

Another Hate Crime Buried in the News

On Nov. 18 about 100 Jewish settlers in Hebron put a Swedish woman in the hospital by hitting her in the face with a bottle after spitting on her "like rain." They were chanting,…

The Federal Reserve System

Someone sent me the address of a nice, short article on the Federal Reserve System with many pictures that is quite easy reading. You may want to check it out.…

Update on Eisenhower Strike Group

America is amassing a large naval strike force in the Persian Gulf. The Eisenhower Strike Group is due to arrive there on October 21. I wonder how America would react to such a…

News from the Church in China

This report was sent to me recently, and I thought I would pass it on to you. For those of you who are unaware of the Church in China, there are probably more Christians in China…

Interesting Palm Beach Newspaper Article

A newpaper article from the Palm Beach Post has some good insight into the militant Christianity of John Hagee and the underlying reasons why evangelical Christians in general are…

Airport Security Nightmares

The following report in the London Daily is a horror story that can make a person ashamed to be an American. I reproduce it here in order to create some demand for a little less…