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A short lesson on money and gold

This lesson is what you need to know if you want to understand the practical implications of Babylon’s fall. Knowing these things will probably determine whether you prosper or…

How currency revaluations work

Here is a good common-sense article about currency revaluations. The author speaks also of the Iraqi dinar in relation to this.…

Government needs your money

“PowerLine Blog” recently held a completion for $100,000 for whomever could most effectively and creatively dramatize the significance of the federal debt crisis. Several entries…

Neil Keenan goes for the gold

I have posted video links of Keenan’s reports for the past few years. Here is the latest. He says…

Report: New Currency is coming, called the Aurom

By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine  In Karen Hudes latest webcam release from December 4, 2014 (link below), the World Bank whistleblower explains that the time has arrived, the…

The Citibank Defense provision inserted by Rep Kevin Yoder, Republican from Kansas

The recent spending bill passed by the House and Senate included a provision to put the US taxpayers on the hook in case of a derivatives meltdown, so as to save the big gambling…

Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap

 The financial war between the US and Russia has been going on for some years, but it became an overt war last March. Neither side wants a nuclear war (we hope), but when the US…

New banking rules to be adopted November 16

This article says that at the G20 meeting in Australia, they are poised to turn your bank deposits into paper investments. It appears that the oligarchs are preparing to use…

How JP Morgan wrecked the economy and avoided prosecution

For those of you who want to know some of the reasons for the mortgage crisis in 2007 that wrecked the US economy and sent shock waves around the world, here is an interview with…

Asian coalition launches rival to World Bank

Twenty-one nations, including a lot of Islamic nations, joined China to launch a bank to rival the World Bank.…

Illegal trading on Wall Street

It is now being reported that more than half of the futures trading on Wall Street are illegal. It is the kind of trading done in the late 1920’s which brought down Wall Street in…

BRICS Development Bank to be launched July 15

The new BRICS Development Bank was agreed upon March 27, 2013 and is said to be the alternative bank to the IMF. Because the US dominates the IMF and has a controlling vote, the…

Short history of the dollar’s demise

The headline for the following article is in terms of China’s trade with Rwanda, but it is actually a short history of how the Chinese Yuan (currency) is replacing the US dollar.…

The New Golden Rouble

Symbols and logos always have meaning, especially when it comes to monetary symbols. It appears that Russia’s President Putin has announced a new logo to represent the Central…

Europe planning to confiscate pension funds

Reuters ran a news article last week about this. Headline: Exclusive: EU executive…

Banker wars getting ugly

The recent rash of “suicides” and disappearances of high ranking executives and whistleblowers seems to show that the banking civil war is spilling into the streets.…

Will China purchase the Federal Reserve Bank?

There is a report out that China may be ready to buy the Federal Reserve Bank, which, as you know, is a private bank that is presently owned mostly by foreign banking families.…

Pope Francis observes feast of Unleavened Bread

The New York Times reported that on Wednesday, January 15, Pope Francis began to "clean house" at the Vatican Bank.…

23 countries move to bypass the US Dollar For several years, financial analysts, primarily those outside the…

Lindsey Williams, October 22 interview

Lindsey says he was told last summer that the banking collapse is being timed to occur shortly after the Obamacare bill begins to be implemented. He defines "collapse" in a way…