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Is it time for a Debt Jubilee?

The first casualty of the Brexit seems to be Italy. Virtually all of the Italian banks have been in trouble for years, mostly because they hold about $400 billion (360 billion…

Soros betting on gold and against the S&P

This ultimate insider not only gets his inside information from his Babylonian agents, but also creates events like wars in the Ukraine for his own nefarious purposes. So it is…

Deutsche Bank admits gold rigging

A day after Deutsche Bank admitted guilt in silver price rigging, it has admitted to rigging the price of gold as well.…

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gives us clues about the current crisis

The US Treasury Secretary gave a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday that may provide some clues as to why the Fed has had three emergency meetings this week.…

Is a financial crisis looming?

A flurry of high-level meetings are taking place this week that may indicate some sort of financial or bank crisis. It certainly appears that everyone is worried. First, on Monday…

Canada bets the farm on paper currency

The Canadian government has sold all but 77 OUNCES of its gold in order to hold reserve currencies for foreign exchange. They look at the manipulated price of gold and believe it…

Ex-chief economist for the BIS suggests a Jubilee

Here is an interesting article quoting a high-ranking economist, William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for…

The head of gold just got whacked

Today is the 15th day of our first month, which correlates to Passover on the Hebrew calendar. On this day many years ago, Israel left the house of bondage carrying the wealth…

Congress prepares to ratify IMF reforms, as Fed raises interest rates

In recent years the US government has used its power to impose sanctions on whoever it pleases, especially those nations that do not have Rothschild-owned central banks. Any…

Will the Fed raise interest rates December 15/16?

Fed Chairman, Janet Yellen, has been making statements in the past week in preparation of an interest rate hike when the Fed meets on December 15 and 16. Months ago Lindsey…

Yuan set to become a world currency

Last May the US-controlled IMF announced their decision to delay China’s currency from becoming part of the SDR basket of currencies for nine months until September 2016. This…

Is gold now prophesying?

King World News (and other sources) are telling us that the paper claims on gold now total 252 times as much as the amount of gold that is available for sale. See the chart here:…

Federal Reserve leaves interest rates at zero

In the wake of the Great Depression of 2009, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to zero. This is known as ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy). It has remained there to this…

Emerging shortages of silver and gold

With the price of silver being manipulated downward for so long, the real stuff is becoming more and more difficult to find. There are always buyers and sellers of the paper…

The hypocrisy of Goldman Sachs

It appears that Goldman Sachs is about to fleece its clients again. Back in 2006/7 they deceived their clients while taking an opposite strategy for themselves. Now they are…

The Greek crisis has Goldman Sachs' fingerprints all over it

It appears that the sins of Goldman Sachs are being paid for by the taxpayers, as the liability for sovereign debt is passed on to the public (taxpayer), supposedly for their own…

The Liberty Debt Elimination Program

The timing of this video report (interview) is of interest to us, since it was posted on the prophetic type of the feast of Trumpets (7/1). Some of this material I have known…

Greece is now in arrears

It is almost laughable to see how men create legalisms in order to avoid dealing with reality. If you run into “reality,” just call it something else so you don’t have to deal…

Chinese gold standard would be a game changer

Bloomberg is speculating about what would happen if China adopts a gold standard to back their money.…